TTC in November through Friendship and Support ... Part 1
151 Replies
mommywannabe - November 8

LOL!!! I just noticed on one of my previous posts that I am pretty sure my beta result will be a BFP and I meant to put BFN. LOL!!! Wishful thinking I guess.


bl - November 8

Melissa, the only meds I was taking was to lower prolactin. Are you feeling positive about this month? Are you going to try acupuncture? Katt, did you do that yesterday? Erin, that sounds like a good plan. Wouldn't that be crazy if you got a + beta!!


mommywannabe - November 8

If it's positive I think I'll pee my pants from laughing so hard. I'll be in so much shock. LOL!!


LeslieK - November 8

hello ladies: lots of stuff going on here today! Kelley - I hope baby is head down! I'll be checking back to see the results. I have a visit tomorrow to the doctor. I'll have an internal exam to see if anything has started happening. I hope something is going on. I feel like a whale! I have about 3 weeks to go and don't know how much more my skin can take. My stomach is as hard as a rock. My appt. with the lactation nurse went very well. She gave me some tricks to try and I got some supplies that I may need. I had trouble getting my dd to nurse so I wanted to get started earlier this time on preparing myself. She also said she'd come by the hospital after baby is born and help me there too. That made me feel a lot better about the whole thing. Okay, I've got to lay down for a little while and then I'll check back in later this afternoon. xoxo


Katt - November 8

OUCH Flu shots hurt! Ok so I am CD7 today and tired as hell! I blame Chantix, I been a train wreck ever since I started that stuff. Guess it's the price ya pay, anything has got to be better than actual w/drawl symptoms! Man, must be nice to have such things - I didn't even get an engagement ring! He wanted tattoos for wedding bands if that tells you anything. I got the 1 YR ring after begging, lol and I think it's about a carot, maybe. Eh, but I don't really care, I am not a jewlery person anyway. Here is my response from Nov 5-7 (part 1, lol)... WELCOMES TO BABYBABY!!_ Yes, we are a close bunch and I suspect you'll fit right in as we're quite friendly too! So to keep things a bit more personal, what is your name? Have you read Taking Charge of Your Fertility? WEWANNABABY_ I am sorry I didn't jot down your name, please refresh my memory-is it Linda? Anyhoo, We are close in cycle this month. ROBYN_ Yeah, I thought you'd like that pic, LOL I made it my desktop, haha ;) There are some new interviews on UTube, the CD comes out Nov 21 - I reordered, lol but you can get a sneak listen at (i think that's the add, maybe go to and then hunt them that way). KELLEY_ since I am posting a couple days late - I can't wait to check out the new pics! GAYLE_ hmm I sent mail to you I thought; but I do not remember the "_" in the add. I'll make note of it. My favorite holiday recipe is stuffing, lol. My dh & I make potatoe bread from scratch and dry it out for a couple days then make it. Yummy! But for the sweet side I am all for my SIL's sweet potatoe casserole - TASTY! But I think I'd be happy just eating a jar of green olives, LOL! HEATHER_ Most likely as delay in updates, but I'll use the same subject line every time. Oh and yes 5 kids is a lot. I remember once I was like 12 and a neighbor needed a baby sitter, well there I was watching over 5 kids all under the age of 5 - go figure that one out, LOL it was horrible. I called my Mommy! WOW 16! Your Grandmother was a busy lady!


Katt - November 8

(part2, haha) LESLIE_ That's great you have had so many showers and gotten everything you need for the baby. Most likely no showers for me. As soon as my SIL move to FL with my brother, I will have no family near me and I already lack friends in my area - they're all work aquaintances. Maybe I'll get lucky and the Dr's office where I work from 8-noon will throw me one? - Eh who knows, I know I'll need all the supplies I can get! TANYA_ Ahh but curiousity killed the cat, lol - there will be sex, don't think I could leave that out of a TTC book, haha! I like the Emerald cut ;) Hi JESSICA! BROOKE_ Hope you get your m/s all straightened out - and stop worrying! Hi CARON (MELISSA)! Hi CHRISTINE! Hi ERIN we've missed you!! I think I'd go ahead and take the Metaformin, all it is is glucophage, you'll most likely take that regularly anyway ;) KATHY is still here, just taking a breather. No need to change names as we usually use first names here anyway so it's all good! SHAUNA_ You are confusing me now, LOL! Give me time, I'll pick up on it, haha ;) JAMIE_ I am hanging in there! What CD are you on? When are you doing the next IUI - December? I like the baby name, too. I love the name Lakota. I am pushing for Madison - boy or girl. JEN_ How is the weight loss coming? I am sucking at it! I haven't been to the gym in well over a week and I could go today but guess what, I don't wanna! LOL it's sad. I think I am going to cancel the membership and try the at home thing again. At least I can canel with a 30D notice. The quitting smoking has caused me to gain 4 lbs thus far - gggrrrrr and I am starting to get zits! YUK!!! You are quite the cook aren't you! Everything you mention always sounds so good. How does that puupy chow thing work - my dh would love it! ([email protected]) Okay now I am going to check email and the bank. I'll check back later to answer todays posts. LUVYAS!


bl - November 8

Aww Leslie, I'm sure you look beautiful! Only a little while to go. Katt, did you get the flu shot today? I'm taking ds on Friday and I hope it doesn't hurt too much. Did I miss something, is Melissa's name really Caron? Well, taking those pills don't sound like fun, but it's waaay better than smoking! It sounds like you're doing really well! Hang in there.


Katt - November 8

This is an excerpt in an Email I just received from NICOLEB "I am sorry I haven't been able to be around lately. I really miss you girls, please let them know that. I feel terrible for "abandoning" you! Work has been really hell, and with school and Tristen keeping me busy, I barely have time to turn on the computer!! I will try to pop back in soon, if I will even be able to find you!!" BRB gonna read...


ROBYN - November 8

Hey girls, MEL - Gonal RFF 75 IU, Menopur, Novarel and Progestone. I got my meds thru a company called Assend. So you got yours today what are they starting you on? BROOKE hopefully if everything goes ok I will be doing a T-giving weekend retreival then 3-6 days later a transfer. Anyway I need to read the rests of the posts I will check in a few Anthony and I are watching Monster House Dvd. Its really good. Oh... and Jason is on his way home I am happy (: CYAS


ROBYN - November 8

Hey ERIN - you might wind up peeing in your pants 8 years ago I was in the same situation I never got AF went to the docs to a blood test to get Provera. They said whatever you do dont take it. Of course I never listened and a few days later the blood results came back and I was 4 1/2 months pregnant and now my kid is 8 years old!!! LOL never say never!!!


mommy2josh - November 8

evening girls. Just a quick hello. Had a very busy day, had an all day meeting with a client. I am pooped. Didnt even eat today. Thank god I have some fat in reserve. LOL. I'll be back later after dinner. Love yas.


Katt - November 9

OMG am I finally on Nov 8th, LOL! I slept again today. I feel like I am wasting time sleeping. Too damn tired to go to the gym, I mean, yawning while cycling is not a good thing! CD7 and I am starting my horny phase - LOOK OUT! Hahahahaha It is wierd ya know how our bodies tell us things. Ironically I am at my sexual peak from cd7 to whenever I O, it's crazy and it's not because I am paying attention - it is just that. Crazy! Oh and what is more crazy is my orange tabby has now figured out how to open drawers - yes, drawers! He is pulling out my tampons and shredding them! He has a clear obsission with paper products, dryer vent lint, sulophane and plastic. I am at my witts end with this one! Tampons are expensive! KELLEY_ It is so close - I can't wait!!! I think I get some luvins tomorrow, lol. I told him every other day until fertile period is over, heehee. Doubling Brookes head down vibes and sending them on to you! MELISSA_ I know now it's Caron, but I been calling you Melissa for so long I am keeping it, ok? I would just love to have a day off during the week just once! Suposedly I get the day after Thanksgiving off, but I am still on call, LOL. Oh I did ask for my brithday off, but that isn't until next month. ERIN_ Hang in there, we're here for yas! Sending happy millions and baby vibes your way! BROOKE_ Keep in mind the breads turn to glucose, so try to mix some protein in there if you can. Ahh the bloodwork...his CMP was awesome so no sugar or liver problems. His T3 was very high but his T4 and TSH were w/in normal range, I wonder what that means? I still say Hyperthyroid, I mean his TSH was 1.04; while I realize normal range is .3-3 it may be low for his body. I plan on asking my Alt doc anyway. I am still waiting for the Polactin, Growth Hormone & Cortisol - those take a few days. Acupuncture is tomorrow. I so do not have the extra 50 bucks, but what the hell sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do. LESLIE_ Good luck at your appt tomorrow. I hope everything is as it should be!! Well this is the first day of my journey that I have not at all smoked or wanted a cigarette. It is 730 and I didn't even smoke after dinner. I am truely impressed. I am hoping that by week 7 I can cut-er-down to 1 pill a day. I am on week 5. The drug rep said it takes about 4 to 6 weeks to really master the cravings. Guess he was right, but I am not holding my breath as there is always stress. Oh I am so hoping November is my month! Well I am off to check myspace mail and then I am off to watch Jericho and One Tree Hill before sleepytime, AGAIN, at 10. Cyas! Luvyas! BABYDUST!!


Katt - November 9

BTW, who is starting part 2?


ROBYN - November 9

hey girls I agree with KATT someone needs part 2!!


kelley32 - November 9

Good Morning ... I will start Part 2 ... I have good news!!!


iampg - November 9

hi girls, sorry i dropped off the map there since september, i have some catching up to do with the posts. just want to give you a link to something you'd all get benefit from....the secret law.

cut and paste the link. if it doesn't work, google(video) it as The Secret film TV/DVD 2006

by the way, my RE had a change of heart and offered to IUI with us (i'm 48 remember)

i'm a 5 dpo after first clomid/ovidrel/dhea.

the dhea is an important note - the RE said of those who succeeded with IUI, they all took dhea (over the counter)

good luck to all the new wanna ttc's this month, i'll check back soon when i've caught up.

does anyone hear from that jadaUK lady?



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