178 Replies
mommywannabe - February 20

Tanya, thanks. OK, I'll try both. Course not at the same time. LOL!! I ate some grapes and so far nothing so I don't know what it was.


bl - February 20

Erin, those sound like promising signs. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. I didn't have the dry heaves, but did have the other symptoms. Tanya, thanks for the belated b day wishes for ds. I hope Josh had a good birthday as well. May isn't too far away. I hope that everything works out with your dh's job. I've been feeling really good this pregnancy. The little one has been kicking and dh felt him for the first time last week!


ROBYN - February 20

Hi to all my friends. The procedure is done. I am home and resting. We got their at 930 in the morning. Jason and I were treated completely different from the other people there. They knew our reason for termination. I started bawling my eyes out when i had to read the huge packet and gave it to Jason to fill out. It started you know you are here willingly (sp) to terminate a pregnancy I completely lost it and started crying. The nurse had me come in her office and the Dr actually stopped and came out to talk with me and Jason. They were wonderful and reassured us we would be ok. They normally dont let you take people in when the did an u/s. But the doctor himself did and let Jason in. They confirmed that there was no amniotic fluid. So then they gave me 2 pills to dissolve between my gums and cheek to dialate my cervix that took about 1 1/2 hours. Then they called me back did some vitals talked with me some more i was hysterical. The doctor came in and said that we can immediately try again with IVF there is no waiting period. Its when i felt i was emotionally ready. He gave me an IV and i dont remember anything. For unknown reason i asked the sex of the baby and it was a girl. I probably should not have done that but i did. I have some pretty intense period cramps thats the extent. I wanted to update you all i didnt read the posts today but i am sure you were wondering about me. Anyway I love you all and look forward to talking with my friends again.


mommywannabe - February 20

Robyn, I AM SO SORRY. PLEASE take care of yourself and post when you feel up to it. Until then WE LOVE YOU!!


Rhonda - February 20

Robyn im so sorry for what you had to go through today,my heart is broken for you and Jasons loss.I know how hard it has got to be on your family.Im glad you can start trying again right away.Just remember god is in heaven holding your little girl in his arms and keeping her safe.We are here for you,and we love you so much.I wish i was alot closer so i could come and give you so much comfort and support in person.Going to that place had to be so difficult for you,but you had no choice,hugs going out to you.


mommy2josh - February 20

((((((((Robyn)))))))), I am so sorry that you had to go through this. Your poor heart must be breaking. Please accept my heartfelt condolences and pass them on to Jason as well. I hope that you can find your strenghth here with us. We love you and above all want you to be healthy and happy. Hugs.


bl - February 20

Robyn, my heart is hurting for you right now. I'm so sorry you and Jason had to go through this. I know you will need time to heal emotionally. We are all here to love and support you in any way possible. Please take of yourself. (((HUGS)))


ROBYN - February 20

Rhonda Tanya and Brooke thank you all so much for your well wishes. I have had several breakdowns being home these past few hours. I know this is normal and i am sure there will be several more breakdowns. This is something i never thought i would go thru and never want to experience again. I just want to get back into the IVF asap. Obviously the way i feel right now it couldnt possibly happen but i look forward to that soon. RHONDA you have so much coming up in the next few day i want to tell you i love you and wish you a wonderful and safe delivery and give Sophie a kiss for me.


cmelissa - February 20

Hey ladies - i cant read all the posts but wanted to check in - i got moved to another communuity to sell homes and was so upset today - my commute will be over an hour now - my job has no stability b/c you always get moved. So now i'm worried all this stress is obviously not good since i'm supposed to be relaxing this week before the beta. Timing is always bad for me - i'm so upset! Sorry had to vent!


Rhonda - February 21

Robyn i know how difficult everything is for you right now,and you still wanted to wish me the best on my c-section your heart is very loving and kind.You bet i will give Sophie a kiss for you,i promise i will do that.Your breakdowns are normal and you have every right to greive over your baby.It will take time for your pain to start fading and we will be here for you always and always.You have been on my mind all day long,and i have been worried about how your dealing with everything.Im so sorry you had to go through this stuff Robyn,your to sweet of a person to have to be put through so much.I love you Robyn your a very dear friend to me.


1mom - February 21

I started back to work today so i don't have much time but i wanted to check in and tell Robyn i was thinking about you. Hope your feeling better. I know exactly how you felt. I couldn't bring myself to ask what the sex was. I think for me it was better that way. check in tomorrow.


LeslieK - February 21

hello all...I'll do a better check in tomorrow but I just wanted to tell Robyn that I was thinking of her today and that I'm keeping you in my prayers. I'll talk to you all soon.


mommy2josh - February 21

Morning. Robyn, I am glad that you will not be delaying the IVF. Just take enough time to heal. ((((hugs)))) Well today is DH's birthday and I still didnt get him a gift. I have no idea what to get him. Ok, I'll be back later. Love yas.


ROBYN - February 21

Hi girls you all are so wonderful for thinking of me. I had a rough night Jason finally insisted that i take something to make me sleep. I was crying for a while then i finally passed out. I am still crampy today mild to moderate but not so bad. Still bleeding. I am dying to get back on the TTC thing I cannot wait for my appt and see what they are going to do with me. I want to be pregnant again this is a really horrible feeling to be expecting than no longer expecting i honestly didnt think i was that attached to this pregnancy yet but yesterday confirmed i really was. Each day will get better and get me closer to my goal. Anyway Jason took off all week and made me breakfast i need to eat they gave me several medications to take. Will be back love you all.


mommy2josh - February 21

Robyn, how horrible the hollow feeling must be. I think that knowing that it was a little girl and not an IT, is making it more real. Take comfort in your family and gather your strength from them. So the doc doesnt think there should be a delay in your starting IVF again? What happens next? You wait for regular AF and then you begin? (((Hugs)))


ROBYN - February 21

Hi Tanya, i have so missed not talking to you. 2 different IVF nurses called Monday morning and said that we should be able to start right away again and the month wait will be good for my uterus to go back to normal and they said maybe i would get my period by then but i wont because i unless i am on meds i probably wouldnt get it for a while. The nurses said when we see the RE on March 28th that they should be able to get the protocol ready for the next cycle I am sure sometime in April we can start again. This cycle will be a frozen cycle since with Shared Risk you have to alternate cycle by cycle. We have 4 frozen embryos right now.



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