Starting Clomid 50mg TODAY!
3 Replies
TL - April 10

Hi all. Anyone else starting today on the Clomid?
I am on cd 3-7 than another u/s next Mon to see if follicles are good.
We have male infertility issues, but they promise DF has a few good ones!
We will undergo first IUI at the end of this month ! I am
Excited and Nervous :)
Anyone else in same boat?


Staci - April 10

Wishing you the best on Clomid! I took it the cycle cd 3-8 50 mg. I got my first +OPK yesterday and then another one today. Wishing you the best!!


Angie - April 10

Hello, TL. I am in the same boat. Today is my CD7 and I have just finished my last 50mg Clomid. I am going to have an u/s Saterday. We have male infertility issues, too. By the way, this is our first medicated IUI cycle. Please let me know how your u/s went. Good luck to you.


TL - April 11

Thanks and good luck to you ladies on your u/s and hopefully the BFP !
My next u/s is next Monday to see if there are some big follicles :)



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