pregnant after breastfeeding?
5 Replies
I have been breastfeeding my baby for 12 months. I've been feeding her Gerber 2nd foods for about 3 months now, and breastfeed her only about 30 minutes a day. I had a little period that lasted 2 days back on Nov. 6-7. It is now Dec. 11 and i have not yet had my period. I took a home pregnancy test but it came out negative. I would like to get pregnant, should i stop breastfeeding in order to do this?
yes, stop it if you want to get pregnant soon. also make sure that your period is regular before you even start trying.
yes you should totally stop breastfeeding, it's the best way to t pregnant. i got pregnant a month after i stopped breastfed my baby. good luck!
actually you can still get pregnant while you are breastfeeding. yes you may be less fertile by these time but it doesn't mean you are infertile.
there is a possibility of getting pregnant since you are not breastfeeding your baby full time. regardless of the amount of your period, you can still ovulate.
as your milk supply decreases, your fertility hormones increase.therefore, if you want to get pregnant fast, stop nursing your baby completely.