Need Cycle Buddies for Early June BFP!
244 Replies
greeneyedgemini616 - May 9

I actually do mandi24. i can actually tell when i ovulate to. my doctor didn't believe me at first but we tracked it with an u/s and I was right. I feel extremely happy lately. My dp loves when I am on clomid because nothing makes me mad. I just feel like laughing all the time.It would be an awesome b-day present for us!!!!


katie_b - May 9

BAF ;is right what your hairdresser said when you dont want baby you get pg , how long is that you are trying? TONIA; thanks for explanation , im really worry how mine is gone be ! your sign are promising i also heard many bfp from first iui ! hope you r af will stay a way and mine will show her face soon.good luck with testing .Mandi24 and green hope you guys will have big birthday gift . i will keep you all in my prayers , is 9;30 pm here going to spend some time with my handsome DH ! good night everyone talk to all later. ;)


tonia - May 9

Good night Katie! Thank you! Where do you live? It is only 12:30pm here on the west coast of the United States!


greeneyedgemini616 - May 9

where do you live b/c it's only 1:55p.m mountain time


tonia - May 9

I live in Southern Oregon about 25 miles north of California!


Mandi24 - May 9

wow .. i am on eastern standard time.. it is 4:16 pm almost quitten time!! WOO HOO!! im ready to go home.. lol


BAF - May 9

Katie, We've been ttc since Oct 2004 w/2 early m/c. The last one was about 1 year ago. So I'm past ready for a BFP!


ciara - May 9

thanks for all your support! hi to everyone i haven't chatted to before. i really thought this would be the cycle, i had such a good feeling about it and at the beginning i even had a most vivid dream that i peed on a stick and it had 2 pink lines on it!! god i am so obsessed with poas that i even dream of those sticks. wouldn't it be great if our cycles were only a week long and we could find out at the end of the week if we were pregnant or not!! good luck to those who are still waiting to test - i've got to go and order some more CBFM sticks and preseed now. i'd like to get a massive tub of preseed instead of those fiddly little packs.


KDR - May 9

Hi! I know what ya mean!!! Everyone around me has just gotten off the pill and boom they are pregnant! I have been off the pill for 15 months and just finished my 3rd cycle of clomid. And NOTHING. Of all these little girls just have sex once and they are prego. It's sickening. I feel like I wasted soo much money being on the pill for 10 years! If I'd known it were going to be this hard I would have never gotten on it! Btw, I am from SC. Greeneyedgemini my b-day is 6/15 so I am also a gemini! :)


ciara - May 9

KDR my birthday is June too! that would be the best Birthday pressie ever!! BAF - you're soo strong to cope with everything but you will get your BFP - all good things come to those who wait. soon we'll all be in the park pushing our little babies in their cute little buggies!


KDR - May 9

YAY! Ciara- June b-days and June babies. Hopefully it will happen! My friend had her baby on her birthday so they have joint b-day parties every year. It's cute...unless you're desparate to have your own baby- like me! :-)


greeneyedgemini616 - May 9

so who's b-day is not in June maybe that is what are bodies are waiting for that would be a great B-Day present


Shauna - May 9

Hi guys, according to my ovulation calculator...if I am pg right now (XXX my fingers) then my EDD would be February 9th 2007... MY 30th BIRTHDAY. How cool is that???


greeneyedgemini616 - May 9

That would be too cool. Hope you want to share your b-day.


tonia - May 9

That is so sweet! My EDD would be 01/19/ bday is 9/10! way off base for me! : )


greeneyedgemini616 - May 9

I am game for just having an EDD ya know???



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