Life After IUI 2
432 Replies
Elyse - February 13

Nata, I have always had my period - usually every 28-30 days - thought sometimes it would last a long time and other times, just 2 days. The bulemia was so different from anorexia because my body never really shut down the way it does with ana. I was always a "normal" weight - never too thin. In fact, I have always carried a few extra pounds. I was an athlete my whole life and through my college years, so I was pretty muscular, which turned to flab a few years after graduation and has remained. When I was "practicing", my hormones weren't really affected, just some other bodily fluid levels - especially my electrolites. And I was anemic for a while. But I always had enough fat to maintain normal periods - I guess that is what I was trying to say in this long, long post.


Elyse - February 13

Chistina, I am fine today, just waiting out the torturous 2ww. Just and FYI - when I was pg with my daughter, I spotted continuously for about 4 weeks, but not until about 12 days after the IUI. I thought for sure it was my period, but it wasn't. It was more pink than brown, so I freaked, but the dr. said that as long as it wasn't red, I was fine. And I was.


Shannon - February 13

Ann, I know the news you received is completely heartbreaking. I have been there. When I was ttc #1, I had surgery to remove a cyst on my left ovary and the doctor also had to take my left tube and during that surgery she could not get dye to go through my right tube. I knew I would not have enough money to do IVF since my insurance does not cover any fertility. I thought my chances of ever having a child that was mine and my husbands was done. Fortunately, my RE did another dye test and found my right tube was open just being difficult to work with during surgery apparently. I did the injectibles and got pg the first attempt. Before you do anything drastic with your marriage, try your other options. The injectibles are not that horrible, yes they are more expensive than the pills, but certainly worth everything when you finally find out you are pg. I know it is easier said from someone who has had baby #1 and pg with baby #2, but trust me I thought it was never going to happen for me. Hang in there. Have your pitty party, because you deserve it! But, move on to the next option the RE gives you...if you end up pg it will all be worth it. Hang in there I am thinking about you!!!!


Elizabeth - February 14

Morning girls. I wasn't at work yesterday, as I was very nauseous all day. I think I might've eaten something funny on Sunday. I feel better today, though. How is everyone doing? Ann, I'm so terribly sorry to hear of your bad news. How did your RE appointment go? Will you be trying injectables next? Please don't let this infertility-thing influence your relationship with your dh. It sounds as if you have a great relationship, and although dh will never understand what you're going through, he loves you, no matter what. I've always said that if I can't have any children, then I'll adopt, because that is God's plan with me. Somewhere out there, there is a motherless child, who needs me. If adoption isn't for you, at least you have a stepson. He might not be your flesh and blood, but try to look past that. But don't give up hope yet! First try all the possible options, you never know, the baby-miracle might still happen for you! Cristina, here is something I found on the internet: "The implantation process takes about 6 days to complete. While implantation cannot usually be felt, some women will experience a small amount of bleeding as their baby completes the 'implantation' process into the thick uterine lining. An implantation bleed can happen around 8 to 12 days after ovulation" So your spotting can very well be implantation spotting. I hope so! Nata, when does your cycle start? I'm sure you can't wait. Elyse, how is your 2ww going? I was a bit worried yesterday, because I had terrible cramps near where I think my bladder is. I hope that the bug I had yesterday won't influence my chances this month. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!


Nin - February 14

Hi Girls
Happy Valentines Day. Now I have started with my clomid and injectibles. we will try iui again. Hope this works. keeping fingures crossed. all the best to all on 2WW. Let this Valentine Day bring good luck to all of us.


Elyse - February 14

Hey there ladies! Elizabeth, glad to hear you are considering adoption - as you may have read, I was adopted - the best thing that ever happened to me. I found my birthmother 11 yrs ago and I love her, but what a screwy childhood I would have had! The 2ww is OK, I have been busy, so not thinking too much about it, but it HAS only been 5 days. We'll see how it goes from here - no more wine or sleeping pills from here on out, so I may have to figure out a way to go back to yoga.


Nata - February 14

Elyse, it makes sense now. You were not affected as I was because you maintained the "normal" weight while I was underweight for a couple of months - almost a year. Your body never shut down and that's why you continued to have your period. Good for you! Do you mind if I ask you one last question? How did you deal with the weight gain during/after pregnancy?

Elizabeth, thanks for asking. Well, I have a dr appointment tomorrow morning. I guess I will have an u/s and hopefully start the injections at night. I already have the medication at home. I can't wait! I really liked what you said about adoption "there is a motherless child who needs me". It touched my heart.

Ann, I hope everything went well at the doctor. How are you feeling today?

Happy Valentine's Day
to all of you!


Ann - February 14

Hi all. The dr appt went better than I expected. The <1% thing is if your fsh is over 14. I had a 12.9 and a 15.9 and it said to look at the worst one, so I went with the 15.9. However, the 15.9 is from the clomid challenge test, so you disregard that one. So, mine is actually 12.9. The dr would like it under 8, so it isn't good, but it isn't as devastating as I thought. He also doesn't recommend using eggs for ivf if your fsh is over 16, so I am ok for a short time. Now, I am going to try to hit this from every angle. The chances of success will depend on how I respond to the injectible meds next month, so I am hoping for the best. I have an acupuncture appt on Saturday as well. I figure it can't hurt!


Ann - February 14

Elizabeth, thank for the kind words, but for me, the infertility will influence my relationship. The more I think about it the more I know I will have to leave my dh if I don't get pg. I know that most women won't relate to how I feel about it, but that doesn't change how it is for me. My stepson does nothing to alleviate my desire to have a child of my own--he actually makes it worse. I care about him a lot and we have a great relationship, but it doesn't help my situation with ttc. I do appreciate your support and your trying to make me feel better. I am glad a lot of you guys are open to adoption. Like I said, it is a great thing.


Nata - February 14

Ann, I'm happy for your good news. It wasn't as bad as you thought. Good for you! I know it's not the best scenario BUT you DO have chances. Let's never give up until we have exhausted every option. Today is better than yesterday. I hope tomorrow will be better than today and so on. Hang in there. BTW, I believe acupuncture will bring positive results. Regarding the adoption issue, of course you have the right to make your own choice. You should always do whatever makes you happy! Did dh go to the appointment with you?


Elyse - February 14

Nata, I only gained 28 pounds during my pregnancy. I had this very strange desire to eat right and exercise, so I did. I was actually turned off by my favorite things - chocolate and wine - also coffe became something I could only have once in a while after about 5 months. It was a blessing. I felt great for the last 6 months of it. The 2st 3 I had some nausea and lightheadedness just about all the time.


Ann - February 14

Hi Nata. Yes, dh went to the appt with me. He was very relieved that it wasn't as dismal as we thought. I thought I would probably never consider ivf, but after going all weekend thinking there was no way I would ever get pg, I think I will consider it if the injectibles don't work. Has your af arrived yet? I have been in a fog, so forgive me if you have already said. My dr said he is going to give me menopur and lupron. Has anyone ever heard of menopur?? I have looked it up on the net but haven't heard the name on this forum.


Nata - February 14

Elyse, your pregnancy was a blessing.It's nice to hear that. You'll get pregnant again and it will be even better ---- you will see! Ann, my af hasn't arrive and I don't believe it will. I don't have my period on my own. Basically I can start the new cycle whenever the dr says so. The only reason I had to take the month off was because I was overstimulated last month. Hopefully the dr will tell me to start tomorrow. As for you, I'm glad to know that dh went with you. I have never heard about menopur and lupron - but I don't much about meds anyways. All I know is what I take: Follistim. Have you heard about it?


Ann - February 14

Nata, I've heard of Follistim, but I don't really know much about any of the injectibles. Lupron may not be the right thing--I am not sure. I was still dazed yesterday when I went to the dr, and I forgot to pick up the sheet he was writing on. My RE has you take birth control pills for 10-12 days after your cycle starts, too, but I can't remember why. I need to get the instruction sheet when I start taking the meds. When is your dr going to let you start af? Are you getting anxious to start the next cycle??


Shannon - February 14

Ann-I have heard of Lupron and I believe it is a shot that you take to put you into "menopause" for a month so that you ovaries have time to rest. If I remember correctly that is the purpose of it. People who take Lupron a lot of times will then take an injectible med that causes them to produce more eggs than the normal 1 per cycle. I wonder if that is what the plan is for the 2 med the dr is putting you on. I have never taken Lupron, but I know a couple of people who have.


Ann - February 14

Thanks, Shannon. This is something you take on cd2 and also take the Menopur (highly purified FSH) the same cycle. Do you think this is Lurpon?



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