Just Plum TTC (part 7)
117 Replies
jodi-ttc-08 - August 7

Welcome to our thread, ladies TTC after tubal reversal or for the first or consecutive times.. we are a happy and inviting bunch. some of us are using fertility meds perscribed or otherwise. welcome..


jodi-ttc-08 - August 7

oops, prescribed.. what a goose..


jodi-ttc-08 - August 7

just to refresh, i am on CD 35 and counting till i can start first round of clomid 50 mg 2-6..


tonyaandjoe3 - August 7

jodi what are you talkinng about with your husbands penis? you lost me ! this is the second time the first i was asleep, didn't feel it, he told me it was open the last time different doctor. this time i had a woman technician she was so sweet and talked me through everything that she was doing and going to do before she done it. i had a little bit of cramping when she opened up my cervix and when she cleaned my cervix was a bit uncomfortable. then she stuck the catheter in and shot the dye in and believe it or not didn't even feel it. i didn't even take any pain relievers before the precedure either. but unfortunately there is nothing that is going to change and i will never have the baby i long for, cause i know what the next thing is ivf and i can't afford that so i hope you all the best. i also have heard about the tampons that is suppose to clear up the scar tissue i wonder if it really works? the cost of it is 497.00 that's alot. sorry to long.


jodi-ttc-08 - August 7

there is a theatre act called "puppetry of the penis" it is 2 guys on stage that contaught there bits'n'pieces into all kinds of shapes. to resembly different type of objects. like you would do hand shadows on a wall... but they use their thingy's... with a big light to make shadow puppets on a screen behind them.. they twist and pull and squeeze... it is really funny.. i think you can get it on dvd nowdays.. it's a really good laugh. what i was saying is that, us women go through so much, child birth, c-sections, ligations, reversals, hsg, injections, etc etc... and men are big sooks.


ssims - August 7

Hello Tonya. I just popped in today to check on everyone and I saw your last post. I hope the Dr. contacts you on Friday or Monday and tells you that your tube(s) is/are in fact wide open. If the last Dr. said it was open what could have happened to close it? Did you have an ectopic pregnacy or anything? If not I'd get a repeat test as your tubes could have also been spasming. I wish you luck Tonya and I'll pop back in to check on you soon...



tonyaandjoe3 - August 8

shawn thanks, but i called today and the doctor talked to me hisself. he said that my tubes were in fact closed and asked me if they done the lap surgery where i had my tubes reversed and i said yes and they told me they were open. he told me that he seen the test results and in fact they were closed. he gave me 2 options (1) to redo the lap surgery and reopen the tubes again or (2) ivf is the other option. so its going to be costly no matter the one i take but do i go through another surgery and again month after month no pregnancy or do ivf which i don't know how i am going to get the money for but ther's a chance that won't work either. i wanted a baby so badly, i told my husband if i found out the doctor didn't untie my tubes and took my money i would sue his but for everything he is worth. but the only way to find that out is to redo the surgery and there is no guarantee either way to go. so i am stumped and confused i was hoping that by some chance they were open but not any hope of a baby anytime soon. girls, i need prayer mentally, spiritually and where ever else.


ssims - August 10

Hello Tonya. I'm so sorry to hear of the bad news you Dr. gave you, but I did want to say that I think you should be 100% certain that they are closed before you give up. something like that in my opinion is worth a second opinion especially if you've had a previous HSG that said they were open. Did your insurance pay for the HG? If they are closed have you checked to see if your insurance will cover a recannalazation? It's worth a try to see because you're right IVF is SOOOO expensive. My DH and I can afford IVF, but I'm not really ready to take the gamble. I have my other kids that could greatly benefit from my spending $10K towards them rather than spending it on a chance!! Theyr'e all at the age of wanting a car now!! EWWW!!! LOL Well keep your chin up honey and like I said I would get a second opinion. I've read about SOOOO many women who'd Dr.'s told them their tubes were blocked only to go on and get their BFP. At the very least keep bd'ing on your fertile days until you are 100% certain of what is going on. ((((HUGS))) to you honey!


tonyaandjoe3 - August 10

sims, thanks, but i watched her do it on the screen and it would go in my lower part but not up in my tubes. my husband seems to think they are wrong and for us to keep trying but i ain't feeling it.


ssims - August 12

I hope you find answers soon Tonya. Have you asked about the recannalazation?


tonyaandjoe3 - August 15

no, i go back to the doctor next friday to talk about my options. it's sad, i'm sad, i think i am being punished ya know.


Shal - August 16

Hiya Girls, i found the new thread, i'm just back from my camping holiday, i think it rained every day lol, but hey, we had lots of fun. I'm not pregnant, and no chance of it this cycle, we had to use protection as i have my LAP & DYE next friday. which i'm very nervous about. Jodi have you started the clomid yet? I went to see that puppetry of the penis a couple of years ago on my birthday, it was so funny, and because they got told it was my birthday they called me up on stage, how embarrassed was i when one of them did a handstand in my face!!! my picture was on their website, and they gave me a polaroid and a signed book. they also ripped DH to pieces as he was there with me lol, it was a funny night. Tonya i'm sorry to hear of your DYE test results, i have to agree with Ssims though, go get a second oppinion. and keep BDing just incase. Hiya Ssims Hunni, nice to se ya back. I'm going to my bed now as it's so late and i've driven miles today and i'm tired, but i just wanted to catch up and say hi. be back soon, babydust and best wishes to you all xxxx


jodi-ttc-08 - August 17

hi ya gals... no not on the clomid yet.. would you believe it !! it is bedtime on CD45 for me.. i have used about 20 PG tests and they all come up neg ------.. i don't know whats going on. and i have absolutely no signs of AF ever turning up. na da zip nothin. i just dont understand. i hope the tests all go well for you shal. i will check back in with you all again later...


tonyaandjoe3 - August 18

Shal, i don't think it will do any good i seen the screen as she was doing the test i came to the conclusion if i don't get pregnant between now and the ivf i will do the ivf we are saving up money to get ti done.


Shal - August 19

Good for you Tonya, i really hope you fall yourself without the ivf. It's good to see you opening up to other options too. you've tried for so long now you deserve your little bundle of joy any which way you can get it. Only 3 more days till my lap & dye, i'm getting nervous, i'll let you know how it goes, i've been reading up on it and everywhere says that it should be done between days 7 & 9. i'll be cd22. i asked the nurse and she said that as long as i used condoms this cycle it's not a problem, its usually done before O just to be sure it doesn't interfere with a pregnancy, but if we were careful this cycle there wont be a pregnancy there for it to interfere with. I was gutted that we had to miss TTC this cycle, but i think the break did us good really, we had a fun month with no pressures lol, not done that in about 18 months. How's it going Jodi?? where are you at? i'll check back tomorrow, i'm going to bed now, love n stuff girlies xxx


jodi-ttc-08 - August 21

it's bed time on CD 49.... started provera today.. that should take about a week to get my period to which i can then start this illusive clomid i have had for over a month staring at me..


jodi-ttc-08 - August 21

i had to blood test done to make sure i was definately not pg before starting provera... i am finally getting somewhere. and this is a ob/gyn thats walking distance from my home instead of the run around i get from my surgeon thats a 45 min drive away.. win win i say.. shal fingers crossed for you.. this could be the boost you need... Tonya, is there a procedure to clean the tubes ? is there anymore options ? i.v.f is probably the quickest route ??? except for the cost.



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