61 Replies
Mega - April 7

Becca--too funny about the clothes thing & checking your potential due date I do the exact same thing EVERY CYCLE, guess you could label me a tad obsessed too. Glad your 24 week check up went so well. Did you have an u/s done? Thank you for the + vibes, I certainly hope this does the trick. My 1st shot wasn't too bad. I got a little confused about how much to take, but I got it all cleared up in time for the shot. It felt like a HS science experiment though mixing all the meds, but we figured it out. DH is better at it than me though. The shot itself was just a little stingey at the injection site & maybe sore like 10 mins. afterwards. That's it. No big deal at all. Chloe--good luck with this round of Clomid. How far into this cycle are you? The 2WW yet? I'm glad you have another appt. coming up but hopefully you won't need to go thru the testing afterall. NVgirl--hang in there this weekend as you await the results of Beta #2, but as Becca said I'm confident that everything will continue to work out great for you. Let us know when you get the labs back. Does anyone have any fun weekend plans? Nothing much doing for us. It's shaping up to be a lazy weekend, fine by me!


Cloe - April 7

I am on cycle day #2. I forgot to take my Clomid this morning!! Can you believe it? I have been taking it days 2-6. Guess I will have to start tomorow. Maybe the change will bring me good luck :)


Becca - April 7

Mega- Glad it wasn't too bad...your hubby is a brave brave man to give you a shot...I would probably end up kicking mine or something just out of often do you have to do those? Hopefully not too much longer though!! :) We probably won't have another u/s done before she is due. We had one done at our last appt - thats when we found out we were having a little girl. I think from this point out (if I remember correctly), my appts are fairly uneventful....which will be fine by me, that means everything is going well!! Cloe - I hope you have lots of luck this cycle with the clomid....I have known many women who have had good results...:)

Oh and Mega, I guess we're all a little obsessed to some degree, we're on this site, right? I've been coming to this site since my first m/c back in 2004.....sad sad sad!! I mean I wasn't a regular on the site the entire time, but that was my first time on here...:) Wow, that's like 2 years ago.. a little pathetic, but again that's why I say the internet is bad!! But honestly, it's good and bad, it's agreat place to vent, but a bad place to worry and obsess about all that "COULD" go wrong!! I try to take it all in stride!!


NVgirl - April 7

Good morning ladies! I just got back from giving blood. I am really tired of all this donating every Friday. This is the 3rd time. And on top of it, I have been nauseated all morning. I ate a doughnut and am thinking I should have eaten protein instead. I should get my hCG levels back on monday... I am hoping for some good news. All my research on the net (Yes I too am obsessed) looks like I need at least a 1700 count to be normal from my 330 last week. I am so tired at the moment I feel like I need a nap... too much going on this morning to possibly explain it all! <<<BIG GRIN>> BECCA: Glad your check-up went well! CLOE: when will you start BDing... CD10? MEGA: I think you are brave to have your DH give you the shots!! I hate needles... I use to pass out when I was younger so till this day I have to lay down when I am at the Labs. You are a brave girl! Welp, I think I need some protein... until our next talk.


Mega - April 7

Cloe--you should be fine taking the Clomid tonight, I'd think. I always took it at night myself, helped with the s/e a least a little bit. But otherwise, like you said starting it on CD3 could work out to your advantage too. Good luck. Are you charting BBT or using OPKs to track O? Becca--Great point, we'd have to be at least the tiniest bit obsessed or we wouldn't be on this board to begin with. But you know, I was thinking yesterday how much scarier starting injectibles would be w/out the Net, but at least here I'm "meeting" other women going thru similar stuff. But you're right, it's easier to freak yourself out too. Oh well the good & the bad. Still, I couldn't live w/out my Net fix. Yeah, the shot really hurt going in, DH is a lucky man that I didn't kick him. LOL. I'm not sure how long I'll be doing the shots, I have my 1st monitoring appt. Mon. where I'll have an u/s & e2 b/w. I guess the dr will decide then if he needs to adjust my dosage, etc. Hopefully I'll just be on the shots for 6 to 7 days, I guess it varies widely. Well, that's too bad that you don't have any more u/s, it would be fun to see her moving around I'm sure. But as you said, uneventful appts. are a good thing so I hope they keep on being uneventful.


Becca - April 7

Mega- Yeah, I'll take the good with the bad too, I would go crazy with out the internet!! :) It does really help to talk to others and read about others that have similar problems and what not. I've found it has probably helped my marriage, in the sense that my poor hubby doesn't have to listen to it 24/7 - he'd go crazy!! :) Yeah, I kind of hope they'll do another u/s later, but I guess I can manage if they don't. It just seems like 16 weeks is a long time to wait to get to see her again. I've thought about doing the 3-D sonos, but at the same time, think, what's the point? I just don't know. When I was preggo with my son 7 years ago, those had just been made available towards the end of my pregnancy, so definitely a waste of time, but now they are so affordable??? Do you or anyone else on here know much about them? There is a place up close to where I work that does them.....hmmm. what to do what to do???


Mega - April 7

Becca--I don't know too much about 3d u/s but it seems cool to me. And they seem safe for the baby. If you can afford it, it would be neat to see your baby again. You're right, 16 weeks does seem like a long time to wait to see her again but I guess drs think it's better to hold off once it seems like the baby is developing very well & is healthy. I know what you mean about driving your DH nuts, I know I drive mine crazy on a daily basis, but I'm better with this outlet than I would be without. I had a 1 track mind last night, that's for sure!


Mega - April 7

Becca--found this link online, seemed like it had some info about u/s, including 3D and even 4D scans.


Mega - April 7

Just remove all the unnecessary dashes (-) & the link should work.


Becca - April 7

Hey Mega - that was a very helpful site, thanks!! I'm going to look into it and see how much it would be!! :) I'm so impatient!!


Mega - April 7

You're welcome! Tell me what you find out re: the cost. I might be interested too, when the time comes. I hear ya, patience is not my strong suit either.


NVgirl - April 11

Hi girls -- just wanted to let you know that I got my hCG numbers back and it was 4,330. So it looks like everything is progressing normally. How is everyone? Kinda quite on the thread today.


Mega - April 12

Wow, Michelle, GREAT levels. That's wonderful. How far along are you now? I'm always confused by how they calculate that. :) I don't have much going on now, though I do have my u/s monitoring appt. today, on Mon. I had
2 follies, 1 at 11mm & 1 at 14mm so I just hope they both continued to grow. I think I'll have my IUI this weekend if their growth trend continues.


yev - April 14

hi michele, i just want to give you my best wishes for a successful and wonderful pregnancy! my hb and i are both in our early 30s and tried on and off for 12 months before we finally conceived in january this year. your success is especially important to me as i just had a miscarriage 4 weeks ago. stay positive as you'll give me hope! once again, my bestest wishes go to you.


Mega - April 14

yev, I'm so sorry about your m/c.


NVgirl - April 15

Hi yev --- sorry for your loss! I am so sorry. I know it will happen for you again. It took me 6 months after my m/c to conceive again. As for me -- life has been very crappy the last 2 days... major m/s -- I cannot keep anything down and every kind of smell is making me puke!



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