Feb/March IVFR'S part 3
318 Replies
esmerelda - February 3

Hi Ladies,
I did my retreival today , transfer will be monday. I only had a measly THREE eggs they thought I had four to five. NONE is left over for FREEZING I am very dissappointed. THE embro decided to do ICSI because its only three eggs will have embie report tomorrow. My husband has a good sperm count he has no problems with is fertility? did any one have to do this ICSI. Anyway my pregnancy test is transfer goes well will be on Februrary 17, i plaN TO test on the 14th to prepare myself. BABYDUST to you all.


aish - February 3

hey esmerelda...good luck ...dont get disappointed u have 3 eggs and u only need 1 or 2 embryos to get transffered in u....is this ur 1st IVF ?..
hey BRazee ...did u get ur periods?i am waiting for bloody hell...
so when r u going for ur 2 IVF ...i have to meet my doc and i dont know when i will start my 2 ivf ...So what was ur diagnosis for infertility ...mine was unexplained and during mock test they found one polyp and they removed it ...i have no idea ..i think we will be together for our 2 ivf process...be in touch
Hey Cmellisa...how r u? well i wanted to know as u also have unexplained infe. ..whether doc changed ur protocol about meds or it is same...i know u had ur day 5 transfer ....well i didnt have my day 5 ...


aish - February 3

hey baby 1234...well my nurse told me if full flow comes it means u r on ur 1st day and not spotting


ROBYN - February 3

WE HEARD THE HEART BEAT I CANNOT BELIEVE IT !!! It was 167 i have never heard it before Jason found it like in less than 5 min it sounded so fast. Its such a relief to know to hear that. I had to share some good news in the midst of all this crap i am going thru


aish - February 3

cool robyn ...so u bout that monitor ...cool ...


GoGo Trigger - February 3

Hi guys. DH was in the ER for his last IV last night, so that's good. I've picked a little something up from waiting around in ERs over the past 3 days, though. I've got a call in to my RE to see if there's anything I can take. Maybe they can give me something since my doc's office is closed now until Monday. I'm going to sleep a lot today; I'm sure a lack of sleep is what did it. I'm pretty beat as of late. Michelle--My AF wasn't heavy at all (esp. compared to my IUI AFs). It was mostly brown, but I did get red clots and red blood too. I also had very few cramps and very little back pain. Just odd after 3 months of very heavy AFs!! I go in for my first ultrasound tomorrow morning at 9:45. I'm excited! This will be my 4th night on the medication. My RE doesn't do baselines with blood or ultrasound with either IUI or IVF, which I always thought was weird. But I'll have more to tell tomorrow! I loved the story about the asshole kittens, Robyn :D


cmelissa - February 3

Hey Ladies - im really busy at work and only have a sec to update you all! Had another follie check this morning - looks really good he said - lining at 9.9 and levels were at 1545. I actually have to drop down my meds today b/c it raised pretty quickly, hopefully that wont mess up my cycle. I go back in tomorrow for another follie check. Looks like the ER will be next wednesday or thursday!!


barzee - February 3

HI Aish-Our cause for infertility is my DH's sperm count.
I havent got AF yet. I am very crampy with an awful headache, so I am sure it is on it's way.
My 2nd cycle will be the week of March 12th. So when I get my period I need to call my nurse, and they start me on the pill right away.
Let me know what your doc says so I know if we are on the same schedule or not.
Robyn- congrats on hearing the heartbeat- that must be so exciting!


DCL - February 4

Hi All - I am on CD2 and went in for baseline this morning. I had 4 follies on my right and only 1 on the left. Also, my right ovary is almost 2 times larger than the left. During my IUI's I noticed that my right ovary was the dominant one. Too bad I can't use my right tube to get pregnant (was sealed off during my lap in Nov due to severe damage) Oh well -IVF here we come! Well I received my instructions today to start Follistim and Repronex and reduce my lupron tomorrow morning. Well we started our shots tonight. Felt really bad leaving my mum's tonight but had to come home to start the shots. I go back for bloodwork on the 7th. Robyn - Congrats on the heartbeat!!! I am looking forward that some day as the last time June 05 there was no hearbeat and had a miscarriage so real good news to hear. Robyn - when are you due? Aish and Barzee I am so sorry!! I hope there is better news real soon!! Good luck all! Happy Superbowl!


aish - February 4

Hey Brazee, So it means we have to have BCP again for 21 days and then lupron again to start ....Actually i dont know when will i get my doc appointment ..Even i am waiting for my AF ...i am not crampy now as i was before ....
Well DCL gr8 news as on cd2 with good follicles..
cmellisa so u all set .for ur ER..did doc changed ur meds ??


JB0405 - February 4

Ladies, I am soooooooo pissed, I had a nice long post for you all and it vanished, DAMN IT!!!! Anyway, I will not be able to retype BUT know that I read everything and I am hopeful for those of us that are ttc, you WILL be mommies!! Those of us that are pg, it won't be long now till you have those bundles of joy in your arms. ROBYN- YAY on the heart beat, I know you guys are overjoyed! The asshole kitten story was hilarious! ESME- don't let this detour your plans, keep going and get ready to start anew! I hope you don't give up. AISH- that goes for you too but I can see that you are ready to jump back in with both feet, great positivity! TINK, DCL, STACIE, CMEL & BARZEE, you guys are moving along... it looks like the week of Valentines Day will be a busy one for many of us! JODY- I hope you & DH both get better sooner rather than later! As fo me, AF is OVER!!! I have been on 20 units of lupron, which for me has been the standard, 3 estrace tabs twice a day and I go to see RE on Thursday to determine the actual date of FET. I asked about the success rate of FET over fresh cycle and she said in her experience there is not much difference esp when thawed correctly. So I am REALLY hoping that this works for us, I see that some of you are not fans of FET but that is my only option right now as I have 19 frozen. What do you guys think?


DCL - February 4

HI GoGo- I hope your hubby gets better real soon - poor guy! How are your meds going? How did you u/s go? I had my baseline yesterday and I guess went ok. I go back either Wed or Thurs this week. I hope all works out. I meant to post this earlier but it's difficult to check online from work. I am too from North of Boston. I live in the Danvers/Peabody/Beverly area and go to Fertility Ctr of New England in Reading. A few people that had great success told me to go see Dr Vito Cardone. Well Cardone left the practice after a fwe months I joined. I have a new RE Dr Hardy who is great. Well it appears that Cardone did things differently. I should have had my laporascopy in May instead of the hysterocscopy. Long story short, I had a damaged right tube and didn't find out til Nov after going thru 3 IUI cycles. I could have already gone thru with IVF but instead had to sturggle. So I hope IVF works... GOGO what hospital are you affiliated with? If I finally have a baby I will be going to Beverly hospital. I heard it very good! We will see how all this plays out!


ROBYN - February 4

Hey girls woke up in an awful mood this morning i never slept last night tossed and turned peed about 10 times so i am just a happy camper today. DCL - I am due August 15th. Congrats on starting the stims you are very much on your way. JANAE - 19 frozen i need to think of how many kids that makes hold on !! I cant find it we will call 19tuplets. Glad AF is gone you are also on your way. Yeah my kitten is the best I recommend everyone get someone like him. Hes great for destroying everything you worked for. Well I woke up sick this morning sore throat and stuffy nose enough of my bitching i will be back in a little while.


barzee - February 4

Hi Aish-
Well I just got AF today.
So I will call my nurse tomorrow and she will prob start me on BCP this week.
Hopefully you will get yours in the next couple of days too.


isa - February 4

aish and barzee so sorry for your bfns. I know how you feel, when mine failed with 3 great embryos i was confused and sad too. Robyn i'm so glad you heard the hearbeat how fantastic. Mega thinking of you often and KB how you holding up with the little one inside. I hope you are able to make peace with what happened. You are in my prayes. I'm still having major health issues with my muscles so i very very very quickly skimmed so i'm sorry if i should be saying anything to anyone and i missed it. no good news here. I'm cd16 and still have not ovulated so i know this month is a bust. Last time it was like this was back in sept after a cancelled ivf and i needed provera to bring on af and I had some cysts so af came again 12 days later. Well i know this time i have no cysts but dont know why no ovulation. I was going to have time to get through this cycle and then start my ivf and still go on our planned trip for a long weekend to montreal but now i just figured out that if i need provera again to bring on af my ivf transfer would be the weekend we plan to go away so we would have to decide to either forgo all the fronted money for the trip (its non refundable) or delay my ivf and hope i could cycle the next month but the more we delay it the closer i get to menopause and we dont know when that will be (due to my genetics it could be any time). I am trying not to fret but i know in my heart i will not ovulate and will need to get meds to bring on af. argh i'm so pissed at my body for not cooperating. We are going to a superbowl party so maybe a few drinks can calm me down a tad. Before all this fertility meds i would ovulate without a problem, never missed a month and now it seems its all messed up yet again. I am tired ov not being able to plan anything b/c my cycles f*ck everything up Ok enough venting. I hope the rest of you gals get good news on your cycles and wow 19 embies amazing (and i;m jealous- i had none to freeze).


aish - February 4

how many days it will take to start my AF after stopping prog.inj& estrace....
I hope i will get appoint. with my doc soon ....to know what is my next step....



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