Does anyone know how to contact Cheri for a prediction?
289 Replies
hopeful-for-one - June 17

Thanks slowpoke, I emailed her so we will see if she answers me & if so what she says if anything.


Liezel - June 30

Hi ladies. I have tried emailing cheri 3 times and finally received an answer.... August & boy...august either being month of conception or birth.
Anyways the only thing i did differently to get a response was instead of writing "pregnancy prediction" in the heading... I wrote "3rd time lucky"... she wrote me back after 4 hours and she said "your lucky... 3 is my lucky number." I only did this because i read somewhere else that someone got a fast answer because she used the heading "3rd times the charm"... so try using a heading with the numver 3 in it to get a response... good luck!


JB0405 - June 30

Hello Liezel,
We are all on a new thread, same topic but part II... Cheri also told me a few months back that it would be August and a boy!! Keep in touch and let me know as I will let you know! Good Luck!


holly_gail - July 8

Hey everyone. Well I finally got an answer from cherri! I did the 3rd times a charm thing earlier today, and jsut checked my mail and I got a r esponse. She says dec and a girl. Maybe there is hope for me!



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