Did clomid change your AF?
3 Replies
Hi. I took 50 mg clomid on days 5-9. This was my first cycle. I ovulated on day 16. I started spotting on and off on day 27. Full flow has not really begun yet and its cd 31 today. Boobs are very sore. This morning I took HPT and got BFN :(. Did anyone else notice their period was different after clomid???
Hey KDR, yea I did. I took 50mg. clomid on days 6-10 and I noticed the same thing but unfortunately on day 35 I started AF full flow and now I'm on day 4 I'm going to the dr. today to take a beta just in case and talk with the dr. I will ask him if clomid will change ur cycle flow and stuff if u like. I'm curious too. WELL, GOOD LUCK! hope it's not AF and maybe implantation or something in that nature. take care!
First cycle, my period came three days late. Second cycle, AF was right on time, and third cycle, I am already three days late and just spotted this morning. That means my period will probably show within the next two to three days. I know I'm not PG because the doc did a test on cd29 and it was negative. Boobs no longer hurt either, which also means AF is on the way. Good luck.
Yes. First cycle was normal, AF on day 28. Second cycle was longer, AF on day 31. Skipped a cycle and got AF on day 18. On my third cycle now, upped from 50 to 100 mg.