can't get pregnant
6 Replies
leigh - March 29

every time i make love my boyfriends sperm all seems to fall out is this normal?


JenG - March 30

Do you wait twenty minutes before getting out of bed? After 15 minutes most of the sperm has traveled where it needs to go or dies if it is the right time of the month. After that time period, what ever oozes out is the fluid that carried the sperm. What do you do?


leigh - April 2

i do lie there for a while they just seems to be loads by boyfriend keeps telling me that its only a small amount to what comes out


Jaqi - April 2

If you are the same person that posted sperm???????, then read what I wrote to you. It was done by Sophie.


jaqi - April 4

it happens to us all.try doing it with your bum in the air


PoohBear - April 4

Sometimes putting a pillow under your pelvis right after will help but you do have to lay there for 15-20 mins. If anything comes out after that it just the fluid and any dead guys.


Kathy - April 5

I have heard that if your partner stays in you for a few minutes after ejaculation that helps too.



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