April/May IVFers...
571 Replies
Tink - May 8

Jody, thanks for hint on the blog- finally saw it. STacie, definitely looks positive to me!! i will continue to follow your blog!! Jody, so glad you are feeling better. yes, it is great we can take antibiotics if needed when prego. well finally got the doctor's note taken care of, however the temp is still using my computer at work, and my boss is working from home today. so she told me just to work from home and check my email which i have over 300 messages, mostly junk/spam, but still. i can access webmail at home, but other than that, i have no files or anything to work on. but i should be going in tomorrow officially when they have an extra computer for the temp to start using. they are going to keep her on board until after i deliver i think. Robyn- starting injections this week? wow!!! good luck!!


ROBYN - May 8

Hey girls its cool we have internet connection so Jasons in the shower thought i would say hi quickly. Questions girls since my embies are frozen she said all 3 are blasts since we never did blast transfer before or never did an FET is this good?? BLAKEY - good luck with your group tomorrow thinking of you. MS JANAE MS JANAE - damn girl i thought you fell off the face of this earth you are in your 4th month already? I cannot beleive it. I miss talking with you try and stop by more often. HANNAH- welcome again yeah its hard to not want to push up dates an all but since this is such a very involved process its not as easy as just going into the RE and he says you start tonite every thing is time precisely we all know the waiting game absolutely stinks. An average IVF cycle from start to finish is 6 weeks whether frozen or fresh. So keep that timeline in mind. MICHELLE - yes i start thursday i am thrilled i said to Jason we could be pregnant again in 3 weeks OMG regardless of the outcome i am going to remain positive. Anyway gonna do some shopping hi to everyone else i may have missed.


GoGo Trigger - May 8

Yes, Robyn--blasts--sounds exactly like what you want! And have one for all of us! The weather is beautiful and about 7 students are coming over later today to kayak and BBQ, so I have to pick them up and cook for them. Also have to go into Harvard and clean out the old office. I'm glad it's going to be nice today :D


JB0405 - May 8

ROBYN, LOL!! I am back, I am hoping to stay better connected now that the new boss and I have gotten used to one another, etc. I am excited that you will be strating this week, and WOW you're right, you guys could very well be pregnant in a few short weeks! I agree with JODY, blastocysts are good! I am loking forward to cheering you & Jason on. JODY, picking people up, cooking, cleaning out offices, SLOW DOWN!! Isn't that a bit much for you?! Please take it easy! Enjoy the great weather, NYC is having good weather too!


Tink - May 8

Hannah, sorry to hear that about her just telling you to read the book. i do actually have that book. i did buy it on a friend's recommendation (the friend that referred me to Dr. Zhou) and there was some stuff in there that made sense----it helps you understand your cycles- why you might have long or short cycles, why you might have brown blood or a long heavy period etc. It was very interesting and had some good things to try that made sense. anyways, i lent the book to a friend but can ask for it back and send it to you if you want it. email me at [email protected]. Robyn, i am so cheering you on!!!! time will just fly and you'll be POAS before you know it! Janae, so glad to hear from you!! the weather here is super humid in the 80s. it has been raining like crazy for weeks here, another storm last night. i am going to dread being preggo in the texas summer!


JB0405 - May 8

TINK, I am not liking the idea of having to deal witht he nasty humidity that is destined for NYC this summer. We had pretty bad rain storms recenty so this break in the weather is cool. Although on Thursday night & Friday night we are expected to get some showers, OH WELL, it was nice while it lasted! I ahve been to Texas and the heat there is absolutely NO JOKE!! I feel for you! Walk around with a nice bottle of ICE water and a paper towel or wash rag, that is my plan to make it throught the summer heat!


ROBYN - May 8

Ms Janae are you complaining about HUMIDITY come to Florida you want to sweat your balls off !! Well Jeff can sweat his balls off. LOL. Its so freaking hot down here ALL THE TIME and with us the more humidity we start to get we get our everyday thunderstorms like clockwork. We are in a severe drought down here so we are desperate for rain. But i hate the humidity your dripping sweat the second you walk outside and then i am thinking gosh if i wind up preggo i am gonna be preggo over the summer YUCKY


baby1234 - May 9

HI everyone! Hope you are well. I really need to keep us with you guys. I miss a day and I feel like I miss so much. Plus, my posts end up being so long!
***Gogo--it sounds like your going to have a busy day! Your students are lucky to have a professor like you! Sure sounds like a lot of work, though.

***Isa--Things sound so promising now! Great follie count so far; great fsh; great attitude! I am hoping that things continue and you have a successful cycle...I am praying for your bfp.

***Chele--thanks for the encouragement. The sticks keep getting darker...I am cautiously optimistic! About the pio, it isn't fun, but it is doable. I have been taking all of mine in the same cheek. I am trying to go for as long as possible before I switch sides. Last time I switched sides and ended up sore on both sides and it was just miserable. I am on shot number 13 tonight...only bled twice so far. (Dh is getting so cocky about his injection abilities!)

***Tink--I hope your transition back to work goes smoothly. I think it is great that they are keeping the temp until after you deliver. It should ease the load on you and everyone else with the extra person.

***Sasha--thanks for the congrats. I am hoping you get good news on the 16th.

***JB--hope you feel better soon. I have allergies, and I know how draining they can be. 4 months already? Wow!

***Ms. Monet--MTHFR is an enzyme that converts homocysteine to an essential amino acid (methionine). When the genes are mutated you may be lacking this enzyme. Your homocysteine levels can possibly climb making the blood clot. Does that help? You wouldn't get tested for this unless you've had multiple implantation failures or miscarriages.
***Nikki--where are you in your tww?
***Robyn--Yeah for starting injections! I am so happy that things are sliding into place for you! June 4th will be here before you know it. Blasts are great! Will you transfer all of them? I hope you are enjoying your vacation!
***Kim--hope your meeting goes well. It is tomorrow, right? I can't wait to hear how it goes.
***Hannah--Welcome! I hope you get all kinds of good info on the 25th. With ivf, patience is the key. I do acupuncture and really like it. I always leave very relaxed and I do think it helped to regulate my hormones and lower my fsh.
***Mega--hope all is well with you and the baby!
***Linds--well, you know already. Sending hugs.

Okay, I think I got everyone. If I missed you, I am so sorry! I'll be back in a minute with my update.



baby1234 - May 9

First off, thanks for all the good wishes. I really appreciate it. My beta isn't until Friday (we got it moved up a day) so I am on pins and needles waiting until then. I hpt'ed today and the line was darker (Yeah!) so I am trying not to worry and be happy. I am sure you know that is easier said than done. I got some frustrating news today. The protein s activity retest (this is the 2nd attempt at the retest, mind you) was not processed. The lab apparently didn't receive/lost the specimen! I have to go back for the third time to get this checked-fourth time overall. Now, I am supposed to take lovenox (blood thinner) if it is positive. I now am worried that the clinic will screw around and I won't get what I need and I'll be right back where I was last time. I'm not sure I could take another one... Dh has been on the phone all afternoon trying to clear it up. They are supposed to call us back tomorrow morning with more details. This doesn't help me when I am trying not to worry!!!!! Sigh. Does it always need to be so difficulty? Anyway, thanks again for all of your positive energy. It is helping to get me through. Take care. Stacie


ROBYN - May 9

Staci thanks for the well wishes you know i am so happy for you God knows how many are in there could you imagine all 6!! Are you feeling different any signs that you didnt have before ?


Blakey - May 9

Janae- thank you for you thoughts, I am doing better everyday, and feeling stronger. One day at a time! Very happy for you, and that things continue to go well, that is awesome. All the best~(hugs)
Chele- Don't worry about the PIO injections. I was taking them (my past cycle)for 3 months! DH got very profficient with giving the injections, he had it down perfectly! Ice the area first, until it's numb, then you won't even feel the injection. Afterwards, massage the area for a few minutes, and apply heat (heating pad) and walk around for about 15 minutes, to get the progesterone circulating- this worked well for me. Try alternating injection sites, so it's not the same area all the time, I used to switch sides..it will be okay! (hugs)
Stacie-I saw your blog, awe...... that was super cute! I am sure the positive line is a lot darker now! Wow....really excited for you. I wonder how many?! This is going to be your time, i just know it! ;) Good luck on Friday, and try and stay busy...it will be here before you know it!!! try not to worry about anything, it is all going to be okay hon. (hugs)
Robyn- thanks so much, I will let you all know how things go tomorrow night, I am nervous, but think it will be a step in the right direction. You must be getting excited with your cycle, you are on your way kid! thinking all positive thoughts for you, wishing you nothing but happy days, and happy news!!! (hugs) Hope your having fun!!! It was awesome today in Boston, 80 degrees (finally)! yay!
Goodnight...Zzzzzz xo


baby1234 - May 9

Hi Robyn, I am having lots of cramping...I mean lots from days 6-10. Yesterday and today I just feel full. I am still bloated from retrieval so I have a little pooch going in the front. I am eating like a pig. I even woke up this morning at 4:30 VERY hungry. I kept trying to tell myself I would eat in a few hours, but man I had the urge to get up and eat then. I am pretty thirsty and have been drinking lots of water. Not peeing any more than usual, though...or at least any more than the increased water intake would warrent. I am having some trouble with acne on my face, back, and shoulders--even down my arms a little. While I am prone to the occasional breakout, this is extreme. Oh, and my gas can clear a room. Even the cats get up and walk away! Not sure what is up with that! That is pretty much it as far as the "symptoms."


linds99 - May 9

baby1234, you are pregnant? Did I read you got a dark HPT line? I know the drill, but honestly, it happened! A line is a line!! Best wishes for a strong beta on thursday. I can't believe it :)


baby1234 - May 9

Linds, got a positive hpt on sunday (10dpo). It's been getting darker since. You can see the pic at http://stacie-heeeeerestorkeystorkey.blogspot.com/ and tell me what you think. My beta is Friday. I'm dying here! The wait is killing me. Stac


GoGo Trigger - May 9

Ok...I'm starting a new thread...


chele - May 9

Hi SASHA, that's great hopefully you will be given a go! Nope, waiting for af to start (should be around the 18th or 19th) then I will begin. Not to far off :0) JB, glad things are going well for you and the baby... hope you start feeling better soon :0) MsMONET, glad you asked because I too thought the same thing... I knew it couldn't be but it appeared to be!hahaha ROBYN that's great!! HANNAH, my RE told me to think about acupunture also... said not necessary but many women tell him it seems to help. I looked in to it, and my insurance does not cover any of it.... The cost seem outrageous around here so I may not do that route. BLAKEY, thanks I will take the advice and try it that way!



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