any success stories from IUI's. 2ww and hoping
105 Replies
tonia - June 20

Oh Greeneyed, I am so sorry for your loss. But I am very happy for you that you still have one! : ) Crystal, hang in there! DiD u know I am on cd38 or 20dpiui and still no af! I am sure I'm not pregnant, because I hve hd several BFN's including this morning. But I wish my af would hurry up and get here so I acan start anew! : )


crystal74 - June 20

hi girls, greeneye, i am sorry about your loss , but glad you still have one hanging on and glad to hear you haven't forgotten about me. Tonia - wow! let's hope you are and you'll get that bfp soon. are your cycles usually long? slowpoke and WHYNOTME - GOOD LUCK TO US ALL!!!!! BABYDUST * * * *


crystal74 - June 20

as for me, i am still waiting patiently for an answer. cramps have stopped pretty much, sometimes i'll get little lower abdominal aching. but that's it so far. bbs still pretty sore. i have been very moody lately, poor dh.


tonia - June 20

Oh Crystal, af should have ben here friday! So I am 4 days late with no sign of her! I am holding out hope, but also very cautious about my HOPE! : ) I sure hope you got her done this month! Good luck to you! Are you doing anything fun for the 4th of July?


crystal74 - June 20

i think i have to work on the fourth till 4:30 when i get off. so i'm not sure yet. probably nothing special cuz i have to go to work early the next morning. we usually bbq with family and do our own fireworks. U? i hate to drive anywhere's cuz then you get stuck in all that traffic coming home late.
anyway's, a/f is due around the 26th. so six more days. just trying to keep my mind off it but it's hard.




crystal74 - June 21

goodmorning girls, did anybody look at my chart?? i was checking out my bbs last night and there hard and i found a blue vein that i'm obsessing about. LOL. five more days...oh yeah and i started getting a headache and sore throat the last couple days. i'm so pathetic, obsessing about every little thing. Tonia, whynotme and slow - - -how are you?


whynotme - June 21

crystal - I totally know what it's like to obsess about every little change. I have been really "in tune" with my body since my 1st IUI and every little thing I think "oh, I think that I may be preggo". I know it's silly, but for the first time there is actually a chance of a baby growing inside me. Good luck with the next 4 days. I am due to get AF on Sat., so if I don't get it I am going to test on Sunday.


crystal74 - June 21

why not me - you had your IUI on the 13th? i had mine done on the 10th. my dr told me to wait till the 26th if a/f comes or not. so a/f is probably due sooner than that?? i don't konw, i'll just stick with what my dr. says.


whynotme - June 21

Well, I am not on any medication and just using the OPK's to test ovulation. That being said, I have a weird cycle. It's 31 days long and I ovulation on day 20. So I should be getting af on Sat. which would only be 10 days after my IUI. So my dr. said to wait 2 weeks to test or if I don't get af on Sat. then test. So I am a little lucky because I don't really have to wait until the full 2 weeks. I just feel really crampy right now like she's a comin'. How do you feel?


crystal74 - June 21

that's weird. i didn't o till cd16. i've been crampy pretty much all through this 2ww. my bbs are hard though and i spot a blue vein. and my cm has been very watery this whole time. so i don't know how it's going to go for me. what about you, any symptoms?


whynotme - June 22

I have been crampy pretty much since I had my IUI. I have never felt like this before. The bad news this morning is that I had 2 little liquidy brown spots on my underware. I'm not due for af until Sat. but it looks like maybe she's coming. What do you think?? I never have brown spots.


crystal74 - June 22

i hate to say if but i always get brown spotting before a/f hits hard. i hope that's not the case for you. i have been cramping too, so i feel like a/f is coming.


whynotme - June 22

It's ok, thanks for sharing your experiences with me. Isn't it so crazy how analitical (sp.) we get during this process??


crystal74 - June 22

yes, i'm going nuts here. i had the geussing game.


slowpoke01 - June 22

whynotme it may be implantation bleeding so dont give up anyways nothing new with me no signs of anything no cramps or sore bb's or anything except my cm has dried up and been that way for like 2 days went for progesterone test today will get the results probably tuesday good luck all



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