510 Replies
CC - August 23

JCR, so nice to hear from you..32 weeks, WOW! You must be exhausted by now, and Im sure w/ Ryley, it puts a whole different spin on things! I too, of course, am really sorry about your Dad, and was sad to read your post. Alzheimers really is a horrible thing. TRACY, do I understand correctly that your G-pa is in Finland? You know, about my FIL..My SIL was up there this past weekend, and its sad. She was telling me how the accident has really changed him as a person. He is doing ok, but still in pain, not sleeping well, and not eating well. He is still having some stomach issues. Its sad that horrible things change people, but I understand. EMM-I love the name you have picked out if its a boy. I have always loved Logan for a boys name, and now feel like I couldnt use it, dh's cousin and his wife have a Logan. I know I still could use it, but I dont want to re-use a name, there are tons out there. EMM, enjoy your time w/ DH. Has your bfp become real yet ??! I posted about your bfp on my IVF thread, hope you dont mind..Sort of a pick me up story for us all, keeping the hope alive! Im thrilled for you! TRACY, 4 follies, 2 big and 2 smaller, that is great!!! Wonderful response to the meds. Is your dh home yet? How have you been feeling, back issues aside? Im still praying for us all, the pregnant and non-pregnant ones. I have been turning to prayer and those thoughts a lot lately. It has left me feeling somewhat guilty, as I am in a time of need..Sort of like going to church on Christmas and Easter, and no other time. Anyway, for what its worth, it comforts me a little. You are all in my thoughts!


LoriB43 - August 23

Good afternoon!! JCR - glad to hear from you! I just bet that you are so ready at 32 weeks and counting! Sorry to hear about your dad. I wish I knew what else to say, it's tough. TRACY - also sorry to hear about your grandfather. And about your back. Hope none of that stops you in your ttc quest, it sounds like you are doing very good with the injections, can't wait to hear about Friday!! CC - still praying for you and those embies to implant and grow, grow, grow!!!!!!! Glad to hear that your FIL is somewhat improving, it must be a traumatic experience for him to be going through. I can't imagine the pain and change in every day living that he must be experiencing. Hopefully as he improves physically things will return to normal. LYNN - glad to hear from you and also happy to hear that everything is fine with you. Family is great to visit... My FIL says they are like "dead fish" after 3 days they start to stink, lol. Although I must say my neice has not crawled under my skin at all. She really has been a joy to have around. EMM - you stole my name, lol!! I have always wanted a Logan. I plan to actually use it when we get Zachary.. as his middle name. Hope you are feeling well!! D - thinking of you and hoping that you are enjoying Vermont!! SHAUNA - how are things with you and yours?? VAL - thinking of you!! ANDREA - How are you doing today?? Our caseworker is coming out for the monthly visit tomorrow, so hopefully I will have more info on Zach. We are heading back for NY on Friday.... not looking forward to the drive though. Well, it is back to cleaning for me. Have a good one ladies!


Tracy88 - August 23

Just a quick note.......Estrogen level came back great from this morning. Gonna go give some blood now for the Neurologist. Be back later.


Lynn - August 23

hi girls...JCR, sorry about the news of your dad. i only have my mom as my dad was killed 6 years ago. i feel the pain when we watch them go. so...2 more months give or take.....how exciting. is Ryley getting excited to see her sister? yes, my belly is beginning to stick out. EMM, enjoy your time with dh and celebrate a little. being in teaching, sometimes there really is not a name left. it is a shame that if i have had a bad experience with a child...i cannot see myself naming my child that name. i guess that is why i would liek something a little different but not way off. CC, thinking about you and hoping this is going good. take it easy and relax. TRACY, follies sound good. i think they grow up to 2mm per day or something like that. looks like it will be happening soon. is your dh home yet or is he coming home just for the IUI? LORI, let us know what is said about Zachary. is Johnny still talking up a storm? how long are you going to be NY this trip? D, hope your relaxing. SHAUNA, VAL...how are you? well, need to think about dinner. i hate planning something. maybe left-overs. check back later.


Tracy88 - August 23

Lynn, DH got home Monday after midnight. He will be here to donate his soldiers thank God. For all of you who have not checked in.....where are you and are you ok?


CC - August 23

Lori, your FIL's comment about dead fish and family really cracked me up! Thanks for the laugh today. Im glad you are enjoying your neice..I think girls that age can be really sweet. Is she helping you out a lot? How long does your case worker continue to come out, once a child is placed? I hope you have some updated info about baby # 2 tomorrow! Zachary Logan is a really nice name, I like it a lot. Did you enjoy the rest of your b-day? When you go to NY on Friday, just for the weekend right? (Sorry, I seem to have lots of questions for you today!)..Tracy, glad dh is home, and you sound right on track w/ your follies. Im very excited for you. Lynn, is it too early for you to begin feeling the baby? I dont know the timeline's of these things, but I think its around your time now, isnt it? My IVF thread got its 1st BFP from our 1st beta..How happy for her and dh! There is another tester before me (Twiggy, I think she said awhile back she posted w/ you Tracy, or maybe Im thinking she posted w/ Ann)..anyway, she has the next beta, and then me.


Tracy88 - August 23

CC--Twiggy was on the same thread as Ann and me. Please keep me posted on how her test turns out if she doesn't mind. Give her my best. I don't know what all my worry was about because these shots are a piece of cake. The hardest part is stabbing yourself, but beyond that it is not bad at all. I don't want to have to do this again, but will without hesitation if need be. I told DH he needs to be on alert for Saturday, Sunday, or Monday depending on how my u/s turns out on Friday, so he is raring to go. I'm pretty sure it's this weekend!!!!! YIKES!!!! I want to join the BFP list finally. If you really think about it, I have had unprotected sex since my abortion in 1996 and have not gotten PG since then, so I have technically been trying for 10 years! It's time for me to be on the other side of this coin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK just venting. CC--I know you feel the same. Everytime I think of me, I think of you. This time is so crucial for both of us. I'm already going nuts and I haven't even had my IUI's yet. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Oh, and something must be wrong with me........I went by work today and asked if they needed me tomorrow.......meaning, I was offering up my services. I got rid of my saturday shift due to possible IUI, but thought I'd work tomorrow if they needed someone. WEIRD!!!!! I never work if I don't have to. Must be the hormones!


Val - August 24

hi all... sorry I've been absent - it's been a crazy week and to top it off, my phone line wasn't working this morning so I couldn't log on. First of all, EMM - congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm very excited for you! It's funny, after you said you thought you'd be the last one, I thought, I'll bet she's next! TRACY - sorry about your grandfather and about your back. Ouch. I've had back problems the last couple years and can feel your pain. But I'm glad your follies are lookin' good! SHAUNA, sorry about af. I think we are on the same cd now - cd7? LORI, happy late birthday! CC, I'm sending you happy, sticky implantaton thoughts. ANDREA, how is the new school year going? LYNN, I hope your Friday doctor visit is a good one. JCR - I'm so sorry about your father. I worry about my dad's health - he has had some severe health problems over the last few years and I just have a feeling that he doesn't have a lot of time left. I'm really close to him despite living in different states. He has been so supportive of me ttc and I really want to give him a grandchild. I wish you lots of strength. So my update: cd7 and on 4th day of clomid. I'll probably start the progesterone late next week or whenever I get a positive opk. I'm going to see a hypnotherapist tomorrow about fertility... hopefully she'll give me some helpful relaxation tools. Definitely looking forward to it. I'm trying to think positive thoughts. JCR, you asked how the farm is going... well, we've found pretty much one yellow jacket nest a day this past week, bringing our total that we've had to spray this summer to somewhere between 20 and 30 (we've lost count!) On Sunday I was on the computer and then went outside to tell dh something. When I came back in and sat back down on the office chair, I got stung on the side of my butt!! (good thing I have some extra padding there!) I started yelling and crying - I was so outraged that I've managed to avoid getting stung all summer, and then it happened INSIDE my house! Never did find the bee/yj - I think it must have landed on my pants when I went outside and hitched a ride inside the house. Then, dh got stung Monday morning while checking to see if a nest was still active. And then Monday afternoon, the butcher came for 5 of our lambs (sorry to the vegetarians out there - are there any?) and the sheep decided to jump every fence and we had to chase them all over the farm for 2 hours. Man, that was tiring. DH and I were hot and tired and mad! But we managed to round them up and the butcher was able to get his work done so that was good. Then today my phone wasn't working and dh had to go out of town for the night, so now I'm catching back up with you all. Whew. Sorry for the novel. I'll report back on the hypnotherapist visit tomorrow. :-) :-) :-)


Tracy88 - August 24

Val, I'm no vegetarian, but if I were one of those lambs, I'd have been running too!!!! Sorry about your sting, I stepped on a bee once and it syung the bottom of my foot. Man you have had a lot of nests around there this summer. How is the clomid treating you. In comparison, I love these shots. I am right in front of you, on cd8. I saw tons of EWCM yesterday and today. I asked the nurse if she thought I was about to ovulate, and she said not to worry, that happens when you have high estrogen levels, so I am going to try not to worry. One more shot to go, then u/s in the morning, wish me luck that I won't have to buy more meds. Lori, good luck with that visit.....let us know immediately how it went and what they said about Zach. Dee, thinking of you while you are away. My in- laws call me every few days to see how I'm doing and they want us to come up as soon as we can. These meds for my back have me exhausted. I took a nap early yesterday afternoon, one again around 6:30pm for about 45 minutes, then went to be last night around 10 or 11. I'm sick of them already, so can't wait to see what the doc recommends on Monday. Told DH last night that I need to join the gym as soon as possible so I can start yoga and pilates for my back.


CC - August 24

Gm everyone. Tracy, I will keep you updated when Twiggy has her beta, one way or another. I think she will see a bfp. Your nurse was right about the ewcm. I freaked when I was having my 1st IUI, and I saw it before they were triggering me. I saw it each time after that, and for my IVF. Dont worry, they know what they are doing, and thats why you are paying them! You sound like you have a positive attitude. Wish I could say the same. I woke up in the middle of the night last night, just knowing that this IVf didnt work. I dont know how to explain it, but I just have a gut feeling this isnt my time. Feeling down, although I still dont know one way or another. The 2ww is torture anytime, but after you have spent tons of money to get a bfp, its even more so. My dh asked me last night how I was feeling, and I had to be a heart breaker, and tell him I was feeling nothing. I know it could be too soon, I could have no symptoms, etc. but I just dont feel it in my heart. I think if I stopped these progesterone shots, my AF would come. Of course I wont, but today, Im sad. Enough pity party for me. I dont need encouragement, but I did need to get that out there. Maybe my body will prove me wrong! Val, a hypnotherapist sounds wonderful. Please let us know, I would be really interested to hear how that goes. Life on the farm certainly sounds busy!! It also sounds really neat, and fun. Growing up back East, I have had my share of bee stings. Ouch, they hurt!Tracy, I laughed when you said if you were a lamb, you would run too! Mee too!
Hope everyone else today is doing well. Lori, wondering how your visit went and if you have any info on Zach?


Tracy88 - August 24

CC--child please, I am not optimistic. I have been crying off and on out of fear and just the sheer willingness to want to give up already. I can totally relate to how you are feeling, although, I know I'm not even past IUI yet. I'm so sorry you are down. There is no way for any of us to perk you up because I know the only thing that matters is a BFP. I wish I were almighty and could grant your wish. It also makes it harder when you have spent every dime and emotion on this. I love you and I don't even know you beyond this board...... but I want the world for you , and will be putting all the positive energy I have into thinking of you. CHIN UP!!!!!


CC - August 24

Tracy, its really hard isnt it? I feel like I whine a lot on the inside, and I know it does nothing good, and it doesnt change things, but its just a long, dark, frustrating journey with no end in sight. Hows that for a little dramatics? : ) What I do know, is that if we give up, we will never get to the end of the rainbow. Thanks for the sweet thoughts. I feel the same for you..I want the same for us both, and everyone else still trying for that matter. Some days are just better then others. We have both tried something brand new with this cycle, that we have never done before, and I try to remember, to be greatful for the chance to try each new thing. I try to remember that so many dont have the means to get the help we have, for whatever reason..CHIN UP to you too-I can never have good thoughts about myself and this process, but I can for others, and I do think good things are coming your way. I dont know when, but I think the injections might be what you need. XOXOX


Tracy88 - August 24

Life is really tough right now. You went through the death of your father and then your FIL got hurt, and now my older sister has just gotten a positive blood test for possible Rheumatoid Arthritis or lupus. She has always been the strong one, has two beautiful children, a wonderful husband and home, and now has this bomb drop on her life. I will be going to see her when she goes in for further testing. Could be very soon. She said she'd call me as soon as her doc gets back to her.


CC - August 24

Oh Tracy, thats very sad about your sister. I dont know much about lupus, but its managable w/ meds right? Same w/ rheumatoid arthritis? How old is she?


CC - August 24

Anyone up for a new thread? This one takes forever to load...


Tracy88 - August 24

My sis is only three years older than I am. Our family is generally a very healthy group. I don't know what's been happening to us. Life I guess. I am VERY up for a new thread as this one definitely takes forever to load. I have the fastest connection available and it still annoys me. Just gave myself my last shot. Go in for u/s in the morning at 8:50. I will post as soon as I get home. I have what I consider mild menstrual discomfort. These shots are much better than clomid, that's for sure. My mom is going to give me my HCG shot whenever the doc gives the go ahead. I can't do that one myself. He wants it in the muscle, and I cannot do that to myself! Yikes!!!!!!!!



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