@@@@ IUI and SPERM DONOR@@@@
213 Replies
montie75 - August 18

Good morning ladies. I went in this morning for my blood work. WOW, this nurse really stuck me good. It hurts and is still bleeding a little. I am a big baby though when it comes to needles…………but my poor arm is already dark purple…….OUCH!!! Well, I will have my results after 3pm today. I will let you guys know where I stand.
I just wanted to say good morning and that I hope you all have a wonderful day!! My thoughts are with you all. Slowpoke, how are you feeling?


slowpoke01 - August 18

hey montie..sorry that the nurse bruised your arm..mine always gets that way after bloodwork they usually have to stick me 2 times before they get it. i fell like crap i wish that this cold would go away but it doesnt look like that is gonna happen any time soon. i get to coughing so bad that i cant stop and my eyes get to watering. my throat is really sore and i am loosing my voice. how are you other laides doing?


whynotme - August 18

Hey girls. I am feeling pretty good today. I have to take all of my prescriptions to get filled this afternoon and it's going to cost and arm and a leg!! I will start my clomid tomorrow and hope for the best! Tomorrow is my nieces 16th birthday and it's a hawaiian theme. I think that I might drink a little corona and have a little fun for a change!! LOL! Well I am busy today, so I will check in later! T-sorry to hear about the BFN! Just wait for the bloodwork results to come back. I have my fingers crossed for you. Jamie, I hope that you feel better soon. Montie, good luck with your beta!


slowpoke01 - August 18

whynotme i was just telling my sister the same thing that if this cycle doesnt work then me and her are gonna drink some margarittas..lol..actually i will drink margarittas and she will drink coronas..lol


montie75 - August 18

Just ran out to McDonald’s for lunch. Gosh, I am starving!! I really need to watch what I eat. I am not sure about you guys, but the clomid caused me to put on a few extra pounds, or maybe it was because of the length of time I was on it. Everyone’s so quiet today at lunch. Everyone alright today?


slowpoke01 - August 18

hey montie- i was wondering where everyone was too..lol..how are you feeling today? clomid really hasnt caused me to gain weight although i hear alot of women say that it made them gain weight.


montie75 - August 18

Good afternoon slowpoke. I feel good as long as I have something in my stomach. When I don't, I start getting dizzy and just feel yucky. I am drained today and don't really feel like working........LOL...........
How are you feeling these days???


slowpoke01 - August 18

i am good i am still sick but i am hoping that it goes away in a couple of days. i am getting nervous now because this is the 2nd week and im not feeling any signs at all. i hope that this iui worked but if not i will be trying again.there are 4 of us on here and as of now since you are already pregnant that means 25% of our thread is pregnant. we will see how many more get pregnant . thayward it is your turn if a/f still hasnt shown you still have a chance so dont give up. i dont think it will be long before we are all pregnant and moving to the first trimester board. what do you girls think? i think that 25% for this month is good so far but we need to up that percentage.


thayward7 - August 18

Hey Slow, no AF, but a BFN. I am waiting for my blood results. I am trying to be hopeful, but I have had some crying fits this morning - I think the chances of a + blood test are slim to none, since I got another - hpt today. It just sucks. I don't want to take a 2 cycle break, but my RE said I have to. Then I'll have to decide if I want to switch to injectibles. I feel like crap today. Sorry for being so negative ladies.
- T


slowpoke01 - August 18

TAWNYA-dont give upop hope just yet. when will you get the test results back? some women dont get a + on a hpt until they are a week late so lets hope that you are one of those ladies. a break may be just what you need to ease your mind and reevaluate the situation and regroup. i think that breaks are good for the body and the mind. i think that alot of times when taking a break and not having all the stress and worry aof ttc is just what we need to boost our confidence and to start a fresh new cycle worry free. i know that 2 cycles is a long time but maybe that is what you need to help you out. as long as a/f stays gone though that is a really good sign. let us know as soon as you get the results. and we are here for you no matter what so dont ever worry about being a downer we all have our nmoments and it is good to know that when our moment comes we have friends that we can talk about it to and get it out of our system


montie75 - August 18

Got my test scores........OMG, I am soooo happy. My first beta was a 38 the first time. Today it was 188!!! It more than doubled.............YES!!!! I have to go back again next Friday for a follow up beta. I am soo happy.


whynotme - August 18

Yipeeeeee for Montie!!! I bet there is 2 babies in there! LOL! I have read that high betas sometimes mean multiples. How many follicles did you have this cycle?? Tawnya, don't give up hope girl! We are all in the same situation as you. Montie finally got her + on the 4 IUI so it might just take some of us a little longer or shorter. You never know!!!! I really feel alot better today about my situation. I mean atleast I'm not rolling over and giving up. I may my bad days, but there is always a light! Now about that weight gain. Well I have had the pleasure to be victim of that. As a matter of fact before I started this fertility thing I had just lost 40 lbs. Now I think that it's all back because it's alot harder to keep it off!!! I am starting to watch what I eat starting tomorrow and hopefully I can lose atleast 10 lbs. before I get my +!!!


montie75 - August 18

I had three follicles this month. Two were great and another was kinda small. I don't think I will have twins. My 38 was low......I am glad it picked up so well. I am excited for you guys to join me. I know it will happen, it's just a matter of when. I will stay with you guys until it happens and then some!!


thayward7 - August 18

Congratulations Montie! That's wonderful news! I am going crazy! I haven't heard anything... I called the clinic and left a message again that they have my consent to leave results on my answering machine... but stil nothing. Maybe tomorrow. With the BFN this morning I know my chances are slim. I have been crying on and off all day - I guess my heart knows, even though no AF - must be the progesterone. Whynot, it sounds like you are in a good place right now. That's fantastic. Keep up those positive thoughts! Slow, thanks for all of your kind words. Hope everyone has a good night.
- T


montie75 - August 19

T-you are so sweet!! My heart goes out to you. I have a story to share with you. My mom got pregnant with my little sister when she was 31. She failed all hpt tests, including the one given in the doctor's office. She swore to everyone that she was pregnant. Finally she convinced the doc. to give her a blood test and lord and behold *poof* she finally got her bfp. You can't lose hope!!
Whynotme - you are in great spirits, and that just rocks!!
Slowpoke-do you plan on testing early during the week or are you going to wait it out?
You guys have a good night!! **baby dust**


thayward7 - August 19

Montie, Thank you so much for sharing that story! It made me smile, especially since I am 31 ; ) I know this little soul will join me when the time is right, I just want this so badly. I am trying to remain hopeful. I will keep you posted.
- T



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