@@@@ IUI and SPERM DONOR 2 @@@@
108 Replies
slowpoke01 - August 23

montie im not sure what the name of it was but all the doc said was the hcg trigger shot


montie75 - August 23

I had the ovidril shot.....which is a trigger shot but when I had tested on my 9dpo, I received a neg. so it must not stay in your system. I am not sure about yours or how long it stays in the system. I am sorry, I am not a big help for you today. : (


slowpoke01 - August 23

montie that is alright. it was just funny to me that i was getting 2 lines on the opk's. especially since a/f is due tomorrow because i thought for sure that the hcg trigger shot would not be showing up right now. but i dont want to get my hopes up about i may be pregnant just in case it is still the trigger shot in my system. i want to thank all of you girls for being so supportive and such great people. you are the nicest people that i have ever met and you are all always making each other feel good and thinking positive. you girls are really good friends and i dont think that it is told to you often enough so i wanted to let you know how amazing you all are.


thayward7 - August 23

Hang-in there Slow... don't get down on yourself, but I completely know how you feel! I have the most horrible cramps today. I don't think I am going to leave the house today. I have read that OPKs can be tricky because you always have some LH in your system, so if the test is really sensitive, it can have a pale line, even when you are not surging. As for the trigger, it depends on how much hcg was in it. The lower does you only have to wait 7 days, the higher dose, you have to wait 14. I know it is so hard to be positive all the time - I can completely relate. Hang-in there though because you don't know until it is officially negative. I suggest finding something to distract you - rent some movies? MON, glad to hear your appointment went well. It's so exciting for you! Well gals, I hope everyone has a smiley day. Slow, I am sending you tons of smiles and hugs to make it through the last of your 2WW. T


montie75 - August 23

slow-why don't you call the clinic and ask how long the type of hcg they used on you stays in your system? That way, you have an idea.


montie75 - August 23

beta came back at 437. I was told by my RE that this is lower than they wanted to see, which of course didn't make me feel very good. I guess, they wanted my beta to be between 600-700. I have to go back on Friday for another ultra sound and more blood work. I am worried now. I don't want to loose this baby. You guys have a good night.


thayward7 - August 23

Oh Mon, hang-in there girl! I am going to keep you in my thoughts... positive thoughts okay! T


slowpoke01 - August 24

hey girls well the doc told me when i had my iui that i could test on day 14 so i tested yesterday and today and guess what? bfp on both of them. i am sure that the hcg would not be enough right now to make a hpt + what do you girls think? MONTIE- i am hoping that your hcg picks up sometimes it takes awhile for it to start getting high. good luck all and take care


montie75 - August 24

I am soooooo happy for you Slowpoke!! That is just wonderful. YIPEE.............
I told you........hehehehehehe. When are you going for a beta? Good luck with that.
Thank you for your positive thoughts guys. I sure do hope so myself. I can't imagine going thru all this and then having a m/c. Ok, I have to stop talking about it or I am going to cry again.
Slow - I am just so happy for you........


slowpoke01 - August 24

montie- i think that everything will be just fine with you. sometimes the body takes it time building up hcg and when it starts it builds it fast. so i think that you will be just fine and dont even think about a m/c cause you have come too far for that. i know that you are ready for a baby and your body is ready for a baby. your body is just taking its time thats all. once it decideds to kick in and go to work on that hcg you will be surprised at how fast the hcg gets higher. i will probably wait until next week for the beta test. i just want to make sure that this isnt the hcg trigger shot playing with my head. i swear this isnt a faint + it is dark you can see it clearly i am so excited i called dh this morning..lol...at like 7 lol he is excited i made him look at the results y esterday on the test because i was too scared too. it was so funny when he saw that + he said that is why i have been getting sick every morning when i light a cigerette. he said that for the past week when he lights a cigerette it makes him sick and he throws up..lol..he thought he was getting the flu..lol


whynotme - August 24

Ok, I have tried to write this post 3 times now!!! Keep getting interupted!! Oh my F-ING God! Jamie is pregnant! Woo hooooooo... You deserve it girl!! Now our thread is 50% and will be 100% soon!! Tawnya, don't be sad, we are all hear for you. We all can relate to what you are going through and feel your pain. We can get through this together! Montie, try to just get out of the house and do something fun to get your mind off of the pregnancy right now! I know easier said then done, but stressing isn't going to be good for you! Take care of yourself at this fragile time!! As for me, my HSG went very well yesterday. Tubes and everything are clear!! Yay! It was pretty uncomfortable, but managable. My Dr. pulled me aside and said that he thinks that this time will be the one. It just comes down to perfect timing and he is going to do his best! He wants me to get pregnant so bad, which is a nice thing! I go for my day 12 u/s on Monday and I would guess based on last cycle that my IUI would be on the 31st. So one week from today I might be back into the 2ww by myself :( I know that you guys will be right here for me, so it's ok!! I want this one to work so bad!!


slowpoke01 - August 24

whynotme that is so great that your doc is that way.it is about timing oh yeah and this cycle was the 3rd month after my hsg dye test and they say that you are more fertile for 3 months after hsg dye test so i am praying for you. this is so great i really think that this thread is a lucky one because not many threads can say that 50% of their members got pregnant. and i know that your month is coming. both of you tawnya and whynotme are gonna get pregnant soon. tawnya i think that the month break that i had really helped out this cycle. i was thinking more positive and i was more relaxed for everything and i think that is what it takes sometimes. good luck to you all i am not leaving until all of us are bfp. you girls are the greatest i hope that you know that.


montie75 - August 24

I love our group, you ladies all rock!! Slow, I had the same feeling when lighting up. I keep telling dh that because I quit I am causing too much stress on my body and that's why our numbers are low........LOL. (I know that's not true...just trying to be funny to keep my spirits high)
whynotme, good luck to you. You won't be alone in the tww. We will all be here with you. Slow, I wouldn't worry about the trigger shot. I have no doubt in my mind that this is the real thing!!
T-I am thinking about you, girlie. Thank you for your warm thoughts.
I am just feeling really down today. I better work harder................


thayward7 - August 24

WOW! Congratulations Slow! I don't think the trigger would be in your system because the highest dose says 14 days, and remember you took your trigger 36 hours before your IUI, so now it has been 15 days! So I think it's official for you! Thanks for all of your kind thoughts ladies. I know in my head that the break is the right thing for me right now, I am so emotionally exhausted, now it's just convincing the rest of me. Smiles to all. Congrats Slow, I am truly happy for you! T


slowpoke01 - August 24

hey girls thank you all so much for your support i hope that i am half as supportive to you all as you are to me.MONTIE-actually dh is getting sick when he lights a cig. up..lol..maybe thats why i didnt have any symptoms because he is getting all of them for me. he has had stomach cramps for a week and getting sick when smoking poor guy..lol..also he has had terrible heartburn..lol..me no signs at all so maybe he is getting them for me..lol


whynotme - August 24

Yeah, it's called sympathy pains!! LOL! Watch out, he will probably gain alot of weight while you are pregnant!!



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