2ww driving you crazy- Lucky Part 10
63 Replies
lovemy3 - December 5

JB, try to stay positive, hang in there. When will you find out. ? Linds...interesting article. I have been blessed and not had a m/c. Phew and thank God. I do however have massive morning sickness, with my first 2 till the end and with my last till 30 weeks. My kids have strep throat and I was at their drs tonight and casually mentioned we are trying and for almost a year. He asked me if I had prior ttc issues and I said no and he said "well try for 18 months, its all about your age" I couldn't believe it, I thought once you are over 35, i'm 37, you seek help at 6 months. Anyhow, what a jerk! I thought so anyhow. he said its my age. this guy has never even treated me for anything..hes a pediatrician for goodness sake. anyhow, thats my night..geesh!!


lovemy3 - December 6

Good morning all. Whats going on today? Linds...how are you feeling? What is scheduled for today? JB...cd36,,,and for you what is going on today? Tink, Angelkitty anything going on with you? Nothing here to report,same old, same old. Hope you are having a good day.


JB0405 - December 6

Just because you're a dr doesn't mean you can treat and diagnose everyone, so Linds I agree that he is a jerk... just do your job as a dr for CHILDREN and pipe down abut everythign else, LOL! Lovemt, CD36 but I believe that AF is coming, I saw a little something when I wiped this morning mixed in with CM...


lovemy3 - December 6

JB< wait and see if it arrives...sometimes women get a little blood tinging and still have their BFP.... hang in there. Are your cycles usually this long? Linds, how are you feeling this a.m. Hope you are ok. I can't get over all the eggs!! Keep well.


JB0405 - December 6

Lovemy, my cycles are weird to start with BUT if I didn't do the HCG the other day I would AF by now BUT Af pushes af 1 week... which has passed but still when I am in the 2ww, the weekend usually brings bad news! I hope it doesn't do that this time!


linds99 - December 6

JB, are you on some type of progesterone supplementation? Suppositories?


JB0405 - December 7

Hey Linds, no suppositories or supplements, not sure if my dr wants me to. I just saw some faint pink stuff so I think I am out this cycle...


Tink - December 7

How are you doing Linds- i'll be praying for no overstimming. how many nights worth of follistim did you do? what does the lupron do? well had my annual gyno exam this am. so depressing to see all the pregnant women in there (she is an ob too) and the pics of babies everywhere. ugh! it was torture. the doc was great though and actually thinks i have a thyroid problem. they drew 4 vials of blood to run a panel on it. could be affecting my menstraul cycle too she said (i am irregular, even on meds). maybe it could explain my weight gain lately. who knows. or that could be the meds and not working out since i don't want to risk over doing it. anyways, just chugging along. CD19. hoping AF comes soon. she will probably come next week, a little early, which is fine with me.


lovemy3 - December 7

Good morning all, cd13 here, got our first bd in last night. Do you think every other day or every day is better. I don't usually o till anywhere cd17-cd21, although 2 cycles ago it was cd14. Had some cramping the last 2 days but no cm really. Not dryness but not ewcm. So thats the news here. Tink, sorry about your appt with the other patients being pg etc. Thats tough. That would be good if your thyroid was the cause of some issues, that can be fixed up soon. Linds, how are you doing? Thi nking about you lots!! JB, any more blood? Angelkitty, how are you? You have been so quiet...everything ok?


JB0405 - December 7

Hi everybody, CD37 and all is quiet right now!


lovemy3 - December 7

JB...so no af?


angelkitty - December 7

Hi there ladies!! Sorry it has been so long since I have posted...this is my busy time of the year at work - trying to get all of the 2007 open enrollment info ready!! And it seems like my company has been on a hiring binge!!!! Lovemy3 I think every other day is fine - that is what my doctor suggested. You have to give the sperm time to replenish. Linds....wow that was a lot of eggs!!! I do not know a lot about IVF but I am praying for you and thinking of you. JB - quiet is good!!! :o) Tink - if it is a thyroid issue they can have that taken care of in no time and get you all set! I got my paperwork from the fertility clinic today...I am excited about getting the process going!! I am praying this month will be our month and we won't need to go to the specialist!! Well gotta run - my desk is a wreck and i have got to get it clean!!!!!!


lovemy3 - December 8

Linds...I have been just kinda reading around some posts and this has dawned on me (duh-lol). How come is it to show your surge on opk and then release an egg. I used the CBFM for 1 month and had high but never showed a peak. Maybe the egg never released. Is it estrogen that makes it release. After my opk shows a surge, the surge shows for 2 days then back to nothing. What do you think?


lovemy3 - December 8

OK, I'm tired, that didn't make sense. Start again. How COMMON is it to show a surge on a OPK and NOT actually release an egg?


lovemy3 - December 8

Good morning, lets start a new shorter thread?


JB0405 - December 8

LOL!!! Lovemy3, you are too much! nothing going on here...Have a great weekend! I will try to check in with you guys over the weekend! If not, there's always Monday!



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