PCOS and on Clomid
227 Replies
Beth - October 11

Hi ladies things here are going OK still feeling not great my headaches have gotten really bad. I have had terrible migraines since I was a little kid but they had improved during the first trimester though since Wednesday of last week they have been just HORRIBLE. It could be just the weather change though it went from about 80ish here to in the 40's in just days and it's been raining a ton. I'm hoping that's all it is and it's not the start of things to come. Other than that the peanut seems to be doing well. I officially hit the end of the 1st trimester yesterday! These first 12 weeks have gone by so fast. Kellyb sorry about BBT droping but it still doesn't mean a whole lot mine dipped for a few days before going back up when I got pregnant so it's not over til it's over. Just remember it takes a lot of healthy people 6-12 months to get pregnant even when everything's working. I know it's not much comfort but it really will work and you'll quickly forget all the pain and heartache you went through.
Baby Dust to all!


Kellyb - October 11

Wow beth, congrats on the first trimester. I can't believe you are already there! Sorry your migraines have returned. I can imagine how you are feeling right now, trying to enjoy the pregnancy. You can't enjoy anything with a migraine, I know. Hoepfully they will go away sooner than later. I don't feel like Af is coming, actually don't feel like anything. I do feel like I'm starting to get sick, probably from the weather just like you. Take it easy Beth and I will catch up later.


KellyN - October 11

Beth - yeah!!! You made it, girl! I knew you would. So is it time to start thinking of names yet?? When do you find out the sex? Kellyb, it ain't over yet, girl. Try to stay positive, you never know what will happen. Especially if you don't feel like af is coming - that is a good sign! Well, off to Colorado...


Kellyb - October 12

Hi ladies. Well, my temp dropped to 97.4 this am and AF showed up after my am shower. Pretty disappointed, but at least I'm not cramping like last month. I didn't even know I started. I get horrible cramps. They will probably start to get worse as the day progresses. Anyways, how are all of you doing?? Anything new? Friday night my DH took me out to Andiamo's to eat and slipped a blue diamond ring on my finger. I cried a little, this was the most romantic thing he has ever done. He's not the romantic type. It's absolutley beautiful. I've never seen a blue diamond before. It actually has a slight greenish tint. It has 3 diamonds all together. So, Beth- do you feel anything yet? Let us know. Kellie, how's the Ovulex treating you?? KellyN, talk to you when you return, have a safe trip.


kellie - October 12

Hi ladies! Well I ovulated 16 days ago and still no AF. I took HPT two days ago and BFN. So I don't know. I hear if you have 16 high temps you are pg, but I haven't been taking BBT so I don't know! Well if no AF by the weekend, I will try another HPT. But I had slight cramping for like 3 days in a row and now nothing really. Other than that I don't feel any different so we will see. Talk to you all soon! Congrats Beth on your 1st trimester! email some more pics when you have some! It definitely gives me encouragement! KellyN, have fun in CO and kellyb there is always next month! Baby dust to all!


Kellyb - October 12

Update- My cramps are here and killing me!!! I just bought those thermal patches for menstrual cramps and they are working great!! Just to let you know (if you do get bad cramps, try these.)


Kellyb - October 12

Good Luck Kellie!!! I've got 2 cycles left to ttc. I really hope it happens!!! We're giving up for a while in the first of the year.


Kellie - October 14

Hi guys, I am now 17dpo! I haven't taken HPT again, I want to wait until the weekend. i started AF last month around the 16th so maybe I calculated O wrong, although I don't think so. So if I go past the 16th then I will test again. Don't feel any different, had some cramping today but no blood again. Oh yea but last night DH and I BD'd and there was a little blood so I figured AF was around the corner but nothing today. Not even a little pink. Ugh! Maybe it's the ovulex or something. I am trying not to think about it or get my hopes up until I know for sure. Please keep thinking of me! I am trying to stay calm through all this madness. Beth...anything new?? KellyN?? kellyb it's great to hear from you. Sorry about the cramps. I usually get horrible ones, but excedrin usually does the trick for me. Or Pamprin. Talk to you all later. BTW my email is posted above on the thread, you all are welcome to email me anytime if you would like, I could send out a pic of me and DH, it would be cool to see eachother and see what we look like! Now that we have shared such personal things with eachother. Anyways you can email me anytime. Good luck all!


Kellyb - October 14

Hi Kellie, 17 dpo!!! That sounds soo promising to me. Maybe the Ovulex worked already!! Is ovulex a pill that is supposed to make you ovulate with natural ingredients? I'm such a goof..I made an appointment with a different RE for the 28th. My doctor wants to try the Clomid for 2 more cycles. The day AF came, I was upset and made the appointment. Now, I want to try the Clomid for 2 cycles, take a break, then go see a new RE before laparoscopy. Do you think I should cancel my appt with the new Dr?? I think I should at least let my dr try for 2 more cycles. My email address at work is [email protected]. I can't open any attachments though so if you can, cut and paste anything you want to send to me. I'd love to see some pictures and I will send you some of my family (me, DH, and all of my fur children!!) It would be nice to see all of you faces (and bellies, Heehee). Kellie, I need you email address-I can't find it. I would like yours too Beth and KellyN. Talk to you later.


kellyb - October 14

Hey ladies...do you believe all the hype about Robutussin and baby aspirin?? I was thinking about taking a baby aspirin with my clomid and Robutussin around my ovulation time. Do you think its worth a shot.


Beth - October 14

Hello all no real symptoms to report these days though my moring sickness is GONE!!! Now I'm just hungry all the time. As for Robitussin and Baby Aspirin they say Robitussin thins mucus secretion but honestly the amount of guaifenasin (active ingredient) in the stuff hardly even makes it a good cough medication, I tell all my patients water is a better mucus thinner. You'd have to drink a bottle to help much. If you can get your hands on Mucinex tabs they contain 6x's the guaifensian in them than robitussin has...I tried it for a cycle with no luck. Now baby aspirin is another thing. I have been on a baby aspirin for the past 4 months (started it with my last cycle). It has been shown to reduce the chance of miscarriage and even reduce your chances of developing premature contractions and high blood pressure later on in pregnancy. Some ob's don't recommend it (some study a while back showed an increased risk of miscarriage but it was with high doses, not 81mg) but my RE is a firm believe in it so I'm still taking it.
Here's my email [email protected] I'd love to see pic's of everyone and your dh's as well.
Baby dust to all. Kellie I'm keeping my fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you. By the way my RE told me that when you're pregnant your cervix starts to soften almost immediatly so that intercourse can trigger minor bleeding all through pregnancy (totally normal). Sounds like it might have been your month!
Baby Dust to all


Kellyb - October 14

Hi Beth, I sent you some pictures. Where do you purchase Baby Aspirin and is it actually called Baby Aspirin? Please let me know. Thanks


Beth - October 14

It's not actually called baby aspirin and you can get it at any pharmacy or supermarket that sells pain relievers it's 81mg (Low Dose) aspirin there are name brands like St. Joseph's and Ecotrin I just by store brand generic's, save's money and does the job. The only thing that's important is that it's 81mg's and take it in the evening (or at least that's what I've read in the studies) I've sent pics to ya Kellyb so be on the look out for them


Kellie - October 14

Hi all! I have all your email addresses now. Mine is [email protected]
I will send out an email with a pic of DH and me. I think it will really help us all out to know who we are talking to! So, I am now 18dpo and no AF. I have been having minor cramping all day long it seems. Other than that I feel fine. I am not going to take another test until at least Sunday. I just don't know!! I am too scared to even test. I took one 3 days ago and it was BFN. So we will see. I will definitely let you all know! Talk to you soon!


Kellyb - October 14

Hi Beth, Hey..I still haven't received your email. It's about 4:30 and I will be leaving here shortly. So, have a great weekend everyone and I'll talk to you on Monday. Good luck Kellie!!!!!!


sharni - October 17

hello everyone,Thankyou all for your much listened to advice.I wanted to share my news with you.I took a test yesterday and it was positive.I wish you all the best,good luck and thankyou for answering my questions.



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