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smiles7609 - October 21

I am new to this forum..looking for people to chat with that are fighting similar battles. I was diagnosed with PCOS almost 3 years ago. I have 2 lovely daughters from a previous marriage, the "baby" now being 6 years old. My husband and I are TTC and getting tired of the ups and downs and waiting and wonderings. I have done 2 rounds of Letrezol with no luck so far. Progesterone levels are very low and now am not starting my cycle on day 36 yet but Neg HPT. Going in for blood test on Wed to check HCG and looking at possibly starting some Progesterone to start cycle again on Friday if no AF by then. Will then take Let. for 10 days instead of 5. I seem to get some nasty side effects from the Letrezol a few days after going off, so not excited about doing a ten day round of it. Anybody going through the same things out there?



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