The best Mommies-to-Be: Part 5 (NEW BEGINNINGS!)
269 Replies
newmommy - December 16

Okay, now I HAD to clean! My sister and BIL still don't have power, so they may be spending the night. I guess it's the kick in the butt that I needed! I'm thinking about you all! (Okay, back to finish the house!)


babybaby - December 16

Diem, you said very true and encouraging things. I really hope we all get our healthy babies soon. We are gonna love those babies so much because we know how much we wanted and expected them. Good weekend guys!


pepesgirl - December 16 temps are all over the map as well...ranging from 97.3-96.8...FF still has not detected O for me...well, DH wants to get to bed before it is too late, just thought I would add that in about my temps...will be back on sometime tomorrow (Saturday)...Happy Weekend girls!


TWhit116 - December 16

well i couldnt temp this morning. i went to go and get it and it was in the dogs mouth. apparently he thought he had a fever. i think because on only in the begining stages of quite a long journey it will be ok


diem - December 16



k8cherry - December 16

Newmommy - I heard it was pretty bad in your neck of the woods. We had to place Disaster Advertising for one of our clients. If you hear anything on the radio for Travelers Insurance or see an ad in the paper. I placed it. Twhit - Too funny about the dog. My cats like to kicking it around like its a toy and it ends up on the floor next to my bed. My temps are crazy like that too. I had two high temps the other day and now its back down where it usually will stay until o. Once you see a full cycle on FF you see the pattern Its really neat. Diem - How are you doing? My dh gave me first shot of straight tequila last night. It was so strong I didn't even drink my Margarita's last night. I am on my last day of clomid. So far no side effects which is nice. I am going to celebrate my nephews 2nd birthday tomorrow. I can't believe he is 2 already. They get so big so fast. My poor kitty is sick. I have to bring him to the vet on Monday. His toung is hanging out a little and he was swatting at his face the other night and could hard eat. He seems to be doing better today but I want to make sure that isn' anything seriously wrong. Well off to veg out some more.


newmommy - December 16

K8, aww--I hope your kitty is okay. I hate it when animals are sick! I feel so bad for them. I can only imagine how much of a crazy mom I will be when my babies are sick! Yes, it's pretty crazy here still. We got our power back yesterday, but there are still hundreds of thousands of people that don't yet. My sister still doesn't have their power back. She's going to stay at her place again tonight, and then will probably spend the night over here Sunday if the power's not on yet. Our pug meet-up was cancelled because the place didn't have their power yet, either. :-( We were looking forward to it, too. I'll think of you if I hear of Travellers Insurance! TWhit, I had to laugh at the thought of your dog sitting on the floor, staring up at you with a thermometer hanging out of his mouth! Well, I thought I was going to be lucky with a short, easy AF---boy was I wrong! She's just gearing up!!! Flowing like crazy, with cramps to match! Ugh. I think she's here to stay for a few more days. I think the cyst is getting better though, so that's good. My temp went back to 97.3, so it just looks pretty crazy mapped out on FF right now! DH and I are probably going to go to a movie tonight. We haven't been out together besides just dinner in forever! We're watching The Santa Clause! :-) I'm a sucker for Christmas movies.


newmommy - December 17

Cripes! Even Mrs. Claus gets to have a baby!!! We just got back from our movie---very cute! But Mrs. Claus is pregnant. It's like pregnant women everywhere are haunting me! Well, we're off to bed now, but not before I down a few more ibuprofens. These cramps are going to do me in! Ugh.


pepesgirl - December 17

newmommy--I know what you seems like everywhere DH and I go, we see pregnant women....they are all over!!!Oh, how we all want to be one of them!!!! I hope the cramps leave you soon...I am having some myself now, I hope they are O cramps!!!!


Lucky717 - December 17

Hi Girls! Glad to hear everyone is doing well. It's a beautiful day here in Carolina. Sunny and 75!!!! I am getting outside to do something. Not much happening with me. I am done with AF. We will try this month but not on meds. My Laproscopy and hysteroscopy is scheduled for Jan. 25. Here's the deal. They knock me out go in through 3 tiny incisions around my belly button to look around my whole pelvic area with a tiny camera. They examine everything and have live shots on the screen to they can see things. They will also go in vaginally with a small catheter like instrument into the cervix and remove a small polyup that is in my uterus as well as anything else they need to clean up. So I am not that thrilled about being cut open and spreading my legs all at the same time. I'm sure you all are with me on that. Anyway I am trying not to freak about all of this. My momma is going to come down from CT to be with me. THANK GOD!!!! I can't believe all the stuff we are all going through to have our babies. It's mind boggling.


newmommy - December 17

Lucky, I'm glad that your mom will be there to support you through your surgery. It will allgo just fine. I have a funny story about my D&C surgery. As I was waiting for the surgery, and when they wheeled me into the OR, I still had my underwear on because I was bleeding and had a pad on. After the surgery when I was awake, I told my DH, "I wonder where my underwear are?" Well, a little while later, I was looking at my I.V. bag, and started laughing. I told DH: "well I know where my underwear are now!" They were all folded up in a little plastic bag (and hot pink, no less!), hanging from my I.V. pole! Hey, at least you'll be out while you're spreading your legs, right??? You gotta love that part of it! If you're doing this, and you're not even a mom yet, imagine what kind of a mommy you'll be! It'll happen----for all of us, one way or another! Or maybe you'll throw everyone for a loop and get pregnant the one month you're not doing anything special for it! Well, I think I may brave the public and go Christmas shopping with my sister today. I'm not sure if she has power yet.


bina - December 17

Hi guys, I'm back finally! First thing I did when I got home today was log on to the computer. I was going through withdrawal. Day 21 for me here so it is the critical week. I just took a test to see if the Hcg is out of my system and it was a very very faint line-today is 9days past the shot. So, I"ll test some time this week - I'll need some strength to hold out as long as possible. I wish someone else was at this stage with me. I hope this is it! Glad to hear things are going well with people. Sounds like a real lot of positive vibes. Diem, you are so very strong and you definitely will be blessed. We all will be blessed, I just wish we would know when it would be! Glad to hear everyone is temping. Newmommy-I've tried the BBT thermometer this weekend and I'm getting used to it. I take use both thermometers and they are pretty consistent. The BBT actually gives me slightly higher temps, so I use that one. THe BBT one takes forever and a day to give me a reading though. TWhit-I had to laugh when I read your post about your dog having yours. That is something my pug would do and then the chase around the house begins! I'm glad you had a great visit to your dr. Did you feel that they needed alot of convincing or were they aggressive enough for you? Newmommy-I'm glad to hear that you have power back-where exactly do you live again? I agree with you guys also about seeing pregnant people everywhere! It is kind of ridiculuous how everyone else is pg. I mean, come on! Pepesgirl-where are you at in your cycle? Lucky-I'm thinking of you and your surgery-I'm kind of wishing I could do it next cycle as well, but they want me to do one more iui. You will come out of it ok and all cleaned up in there! Nothing will be stopping you then. Well, ladies, I have to go unpack. Can;t wait to read more later! Babydust!! Oh, I can't wait to watch National Lampoon's Christmas vacation tonight! That's my favorite Christmas movie!


pepesgirl - December 17

Bina...welcome home! I am right with you, this is the week, I am at either cd 25 or cd20....I have been having right side pain since Friday afternoon, so I am hoping it is time to O!!!!! DH and I have been BDing, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that we catch that egg!!!!!!!!! Gotta go finish oh back later...


Lucky717 - December 17

Hi Girls....I popped back in again to see how everyone's weekend was. Bina I hope you get a BFP this month!!! Hang tough. It's sooooo hard to wait I know. NEWMOMMY - how was Christmas shopping? I am finished. I am soooo glad!! We worked like crazy around the house today. Everything looks so good!Thanks for the sweet words of encouragement on my surgery. I am going to be brave and have been inspired by Diem's strength. We luv ya girl!!! Off to go make leftovers then watch SURVIVOR FINALE!!!


TWhit116 - December 17

My doctor was really great. I simply told her what was going on. She asked me a few questions and got right to the point. It was great. I have never had someone like that, and she was so positive about everything. No one else has PCOS right? Ive been reading up on it, but I dont know how bad mine it. It might not be realy pcos or it may just be im not ovulating from bcp. I will find all of this out at my appt. I just nervous because our insurance only covers the inital testing of infertility. everything else is out of pocket (ugh oh) but we've gotta do what we've gotta do right girls? Bina- how was your trip home? oh my word i have a good laugh for u sh decided he would help do the laundry. never checking the pocket and washed out clothes with a gel ink pen and then dried it. everything is blue. needless to say he took me clothes shopping today =) haha


diem - December 18

lucky....I WILL DEFINITELY be watching survivor. I love that show. Ok....I was cramping real bad on Friday night....had to take a pain pill at 2 am....cramping continued on Sat. Low and behold I passed another HUGE clot on Sat. strange how it took 5 days later. My first big clot was on Monday. more cramping. I finally feel back to normal. DH wants to try again right away. However, I will be in Michigan (back home) during my supposed fertile period. I think it's best. I think my body needs a rest. Funny how dh has become so gung ho!!! Bina, You said your taking hsg? I'm totally wondering when it will be out of my system f rom my pg. I guess I'm kinda a bit in the same boat as you. Pepesgirl.....Here's to hoping that you O!!!!!!! let us know if you think you o'd this weekend. We're rooting for you. Newmommy, Lucky....and the rest of the ladies....You all crack me up. Just think about the stories we will have to tell our little ones....LOL



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