Mild pelvic discomfort...endometriosis???
2 Replies
eden - February 18

Hello there. Throughout my cycle I have mild pelvic discomfort. It is never painful, but just there. Sometimes I feel it in my pelvic region and sometimes if feels like it is pressure in my rectal region. Does anyone have this same thing. I have brought it up to my RE and doctor and they say it probably just has something go do with my cycle. I know vaginal ultrasounds don't show endo., but could this be what it is?


tammy - February 19

I went to a spiritual spell caster for help getting pregnant. I am not sure who is open to this idea, but I have been very blessed with a beautiful daughter. I tried a lot of things that didn't work, but two weeks after asking for her help I conceived.
Now I believe,
Wanted to let people know as my contribution to the strugglers
if you have questions please email me
her name was ashra
spellenchantments dot com
her pregnant listing was on ebay though:
(sorry bout that) ashra_enchantments on ebay



roxyttandme - February 19

It could be a couple of things. I would say go talk with your OB/GYN. I have had on going pelvis pain for a month now. I have surgery set for next week to completely diag. endo. However, my Dr. pretty much told me it was. Good luck!



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