ladies who doen IUI -2
527 Replies
lilly2 - March 29

Hi girlls, Mega, any positive news from you?Do you feel some good signs?I am praying for your positve preggo test.Yes it is true what i said about my nurse/doc, and my dh every time been with me at the appointements.He now understand more and more and i dont need to remind him what we should do, he knows.He is angry now too.Ann, how are you feel?I had a lots of af crampings and feeling this morning af is just arround corner.All chemicalis gone from system so i can feel it for shore.Anyway, on the cd2 i'll have blood test and then consultation latter with my doctor re.ivf.So if all results come ok will go to do it this time.I cant tell my family, they dont belive i have so much trablle to conceive b/c my mom could give birth till 55, her mom to, my other grany to and the last live birth she give was family is very fetile, but noone ever used antybaby pills(i had for ages) and clomid.They all had problem how not to be pregnant.As it was tradiotional country, ladies wasnt allowed to used as doctors in serbia said, that rubbish.2,5 years ago, when i went in serbian most known fertility hospital,wanted to check health and pap, doctor screamed on me when they heard for how many years i had ab/pills.He explaind to me how much i demaged my hormons wich is most important to get pregnant.As well IVF in Australia coast a lot and in Belgrade now many hospitals are doing for free or for a very small money and it depends of medication or case.But b/c reason, we cant travell yet, we are going to do it here.You ask me for FSH it was mostly 9 but last month when i asked nurse was 14 and she left me shocked.She said they prefer under 15.DH angry, he knows what it means why they been waiting all these time to suggest what to do, if you are remember, doctor wasnt happy to gave me any treatment, he said with my results in his opinion i can conceive naturally and hi is sceard of multiples.I rather have multiples than not any but i think chanses are small for me to have more than 1 baby.I am not nervouse about it or and it may be mine last chance to have any babies.I dreamed long time ago as a very happy young girll to have 4 kids and look at me now cant even conceive one.So, i have to face with this and be fast as much as i can.B/c my bed past i trained my body not to be a mom and not to wish any, but kno with all this love i have, i confused myself with that deep, soft,warm, maternal feelings...still hoping and still belive, once i wake up my body it will come.Jamie Lynne, may be you are sensitive b/c things are going well?Hope in next few days you will get positive results.Galina, good luck in next cycle, and to a girlls who waiting pts, wish big, fat,dark two lines.XOXO


Ann - March 29

Mega, let me know when you finally break down and test! Since I use the dollar ones, I don't mind wasting them.:) JamieLynne, it sounds like you are on the right track. I hope your temps keep going up. Lilly2, I know exactly how you feel. I am almost 37 and a year ago my fsh was at 7 when they tested it and now it is at 12.9. My RE said that my eggs "fell off the cliff." It hit me really hard and I too wonder whether I will ever be able to have a baby. I used to think I wanted 2-3 kids and now I would be so thankful just for one. We are going to try iuis for a little longer and then consider ivf if it doesn't work. Ivf costs a lot in the U.S. as well. My RE said it would be about $11,000. Luckily, I have insurance that covers it, but my RE doesn't take my insurance for ivf. So, I will have to switch drs if I have to go that route. Don't beat yourself up about your past. Your body wants to be a mother and you will make a great one with all your knowledge and reflection. I hope your symptoms are not pre-af but pg symptoms!


Galina - March 29

He guys, I had an awesome day today. I decided to not go into the office and dh was home so we spent the day together. We went for lunch at PF Changs (do you guys have that, Mega/Ann) & then we went to see Inside Man. Really good movie. I have been trying to keep my mind free from thinking about that BFN and positive for the next cycle. Ann/Mega, where do you get these dollar tests? Is there a store called Dollar Store? We have something called 99cents store - is that the same thing? Anyways, tomorrow is Thursday already and almost the end of the dreaded 2ww for you guys (Mega, Ann, Lilly). I am shooting for 3 BFP for you guys. BTW, what # IUI is this for you guys?


Ann - March 29

Hi Galina. I am so glad you had a relaxing day. I LOVE PF Changs. I don't like most chain restaurants, but that one is a big exception. They have great cosmos at Changs here, too.:) This was my 6th iui...depressing...the place I get the tests is called Dollar Tree. It says they detect 20miu, so they are very sensitive. The 99 cent store you are talking about probably has them too.


lilly2 - March 30

Hi girlls, it is strange i posted this morning but my post is not here?!Anyway, Ann ivf is realy expensive here as well, but it may be the only and the last chanse to have a babies.I think like you maybe i will never had any and my dream to have them will stay just dream...This morning nurse call me to do blood test to check hormons again.Still have no period but feeling strongly now it is here.She said if fsh over 15 they dont recomend ivf as women may not have eny aggs.I am confused a bit with all these, how then i had 4 follies last month???This level must be than related to eggs quality then.Dont know.I was so dissapointed and when my dh came back home and i said to him, his been so sad and angry with doctor again.How they for a months,could tell me all my results are ok-normal and now what is this??My dh things that these level may be go up and down and he is hope so.Today is my cd 25(peroids 28-30 days) but post iui day is day is 13, so by nurse af sholud be tmorrow or 2 days latter.Mega,Jammie lenny, good luck with testing.Ann i pray for you to have good fsh level and i am shore, you are younger and 2-3 years in becomeing mom means a lot.So i am positive you will make your dream true.Galina hope you will have more good luck this cycle, relex and think positive you may become pregnant this time.Fingers crossed.To all you girlls keep praying and i am praying too for a baby miricle.


Mega - March 30

Hi ladies. Galina, sounds like you had a great day yesterday & definitely deserved a break. Yes, we have PF Changs here too & like Ann I'm not a huge fan of chains typically but PF Changs is definitely one of my favorite restaurants, even though they took Mango Chicken off the menu. :) This is IUI #4 for me. Lilly2, that's terrible, the drs really put you through the ringer didn't they?! No wonder your DH is so angry with them too. I can't believe they'd tell you all is fine for so long & then spring on you that you have high FSH, my guess is that the # was slowly climbing for awhile, they should have told you though the # each time. I really hope IVF works for you, & works the first time. Good luck with the consultation. Of course I'm still hoping you won't need to go to the consultation, cramps can be PG signs too. Thanks for good wishes. I'm feeling alittle different than I usually do in the 2 ww, more crampiness that's not typical for me. I'm cautiously optimistic but still afraid it's all in my head. We'll see soon I guess. Ann, I will definitely let you know when I test. I'm going back & forth on when. :)


Ann - March 30

I took another hpt this morn--BFN...Lilly2, fsh levels are related to egg quality and they can go up and down depending on the month. Also with blood tests, you can get a false response that your fsh is ok. That is why drs should also do the clomid challenge test. They day your blood at cd3 then give you 100mg of clomid and retest at cd10 to see if the fsh has gone up. If you fsh truly is normal, it will still be low at cd10. Mine went up to 15 that cycle (although the 12.9 is the true number for me), so my fsh truly is bad. I also have good response to the meds, and I have read that means we have a much better chance at conceiving than a person with bad fsh and poor response. I hope it works for us both! The fsh is related to quality and poor quality eggs are much more difficult to fertilize (or won't fertilize at all). Even though I am a couple years younger, it sounds like our reproductive ages are about the same and that is what matters for ttc. I have a feeling my af is on its way, too. Mega, I always get the orange chicken at pfc and I love the ahi tuna and steamed dumpling appetizers!


Galina - March 30

Hi guys, I personally like the Oolong sea bass and the scheshuan (sp?) string beans. Mega, cramps are a godd sign, per the website. Do you think you may test tomorrow? Ann, any sensations for you at all? BTW, an atty that works for me is going thought IVF now w/his wife who is 45. They already did one cycle that was not successful ( they were only able to get 5 eggs & none fertilized). They were going to give up & I told them about Dr. Surrey (the guy I am going to see next Thurs) and he told them she has a shot. Her FSH is up there (I don't want to ask b/c I think it's personal), but they are hopeful. All her other tests are good and she responds to the meds well. The dr said that is a VERY important factor, how you respond to the meds. So, today, lets try to think of some positive things and look at the negative things in our lives and see some good in it. For example, Ann, it is still too early for the BFP, so try again tomorrow. Plus, you are NOT OLD. You have a good # of years to paly this "annoying" ttc game and you aren't out of this one! There are women who even get BFN w/HPT's and then get a positive on the Beta.


Mega - March 30

Ann--sorry about the other BFN, but it still might a little too early. Orange chicken--yummy. Most chinese restaurants I usually get orange beef, so I'll have to try PF's orange chicken sometimes. I like the ground chicken & eggplant & we usually get the lettuce wraps appetizer. I've never tried their Cosmos, but the Key Lime Martini is yummy too. Okay, I'm ready for lunch now. :)


Ann - March 30

Galina, That is heartbreaking--getting 5 egs and having none of them fertilize! Mega, the orange beef there is good too as well as the orange shrimp. I like some other gimicky drink that comes in a martini glass there, but I can't remember the name. I think it is Manderin orange something. So cramps actually mean something? I've had lots of cramps in the last week, but I think they are not in the right place (assumed bathroom issues--sorry for the tmi). Here is my question for the day: what is your favorite movie? Mine is the Shawshank Redemption. I am starving too--just made lunch plans!


Galina - March 30

My favorite movie: I have 2 - one is aforeign film called Moscow Does Not Believe In Tears and the other is Schindler's List. I like sad movies.


lilly2 - March 30

Thansk giirlls for such a nice words of support.Now is 4 am and i cant sleap any more after yesturday news.The ivf nurse been clearhen she said if fsh higher than 15 not recomended ivf.Mega, i rally hope you symptoms will end up as pregnancy.Try to stay calm and wait with passion and pray togehter, for your positive pg test.It is good sign what you are currently feeling differance and finger long you are ttc and dou you have any kids?Ann, i hope af signs are actually pregnancy signd and i am parying no for you to ger pregnant this month.My fsh level hit me like a bomb, but more hit me nurses/doc not informing me and telling all results ok and as i felt that something is wrong in it and it is aproved now.Hope for you yours fsh will stay lower and praying for you to become mom soon.You are still young so chance is here and as you said positive feelings may bring miricle.I am still confused why my doctor refusing me to have any fertility drugs, specialy ijnectible and as hi knows now i reached allmost the end of the reprodactive life...i been seeing him since june when my fsh was 9 and he just said to me just keep ttc...All my doctors,GP, u/s techitins, gyn/obst, dh and our famillies are positive and they belive i will have children.Unfortinettelly my negative toughts are just reflextion of my realistic opinion of my case.Galina, oh my God i can imagine dissapointments of not having sucess from five eggs?It is really heart braking.I had last iui 5 eggs, than it came 4 eggs ok size and 3 of them large, but feeling more and more af signs.I am praying for you Galina to have good and blessed this month.I have spocken re.iui with the largest hospital i Brisbane and they said my iui was very baddly timed both times!They doing today trigger and tmorrow iui and they think i am waisting time with small hospitalls.Going to see my doctor on the 12-4 to discuss why he dosent think i dont need higher douse medication and to ask him has he checkad my fsh level since months ago when he has reason not hellping me a much?My brother rang me and he suggested to go in serbia b/c doctors over there not affraid with rules and doing it stright a way insteed like here waiting untill is to late and untill you really get upset and dissopointed.I know my ages, i am not hiding and i came on time, when still had good results to see and ask doctor for advise and hes done nothing...So we are thinking about second opinion and i have the same day appointment 100km far a way to see what they suggesting.Is any of you girlls have any children?Good luck.


Ann - March 30

Lilly2, I think you should get a second or third opinion as soon as possible. Like you said, you need to do everything as quickly as possible. The drs should realize the urgency of that. Did you make an appt at the larger hospital?


Mega - March 30

Lilly2--I agree with Ann regarding the 2nd or 3rd or beyond opinion, they seem to be jerking you guys around, not telling you everything, not wanting to get aggressive, etc. I'm glad you made the appt. in Brisbane (or are about too) I think that sounds like a much more reputiable place, too bad it's that much further away for you though. Infertilty treatments take up such time, it's like a full time job in & of itself. No, I don't have any kids yet. Hang in there. I hope you are able to fall asleep soon. Galina--wow, 5 eggs for IVF & no fertilization, that would be heartbreaking. That's wonderful though that Dr. Surrey is giving them renewed hope, I hope it works for them this go-round. Thanks for the encouragement, I like the 2 WW website too & started reading it this cycle so part of me is afraid it's just power of my imagination, But then also I have more of chance this time I think, so we'll see. Ann--I'm not sure there's a hard & fast rule for where the cramps have to be to be good PG signs, also I'd say anything unusal for you can be a good sign. Fingers' crossed. As Galina said, you could test BFN on HPTs for quite a while & still be pg. Hopefully that's your case. Hmm, my favorite movie? I have several in fact, but I weird messed up family dramas & farce comedies and dark humor comedies. Ice Storm, Garden State, Heathers, Clerks, Underworld, plus Bend it Like Beckham & Saved! are some of my recent faves.


lilly2 - March 30

Ann, yes i did made appointment for 13/4 in large hospital, the only think is dr Allan is very busy and everyone waiting for 3months, but explained situation and med.secretary feets me somehow early, b/c is a bit urgent and she other younger people can wait.Will see, i lost my trust in doctor here.Dont know what to think, but what this hospital thinks iui is waisted time with high fsh.Oh, my God what is next.Ann, i reccomend to you conceider more aggresive treatment you dont want to be in my shoose.


Ann - March 30

Lilly2, I am in your shoes! Our reproductive ages are about the same. I am going to do 2 more iuis with injectibles (if necessary) and then move to ivf if they don't work. I know waiting for the appointment for 2 weeks will be tough, but try to hang in there. It sounds like you are going to a much better dr.



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