4 Replies
dunkley - November 7

ive been trying to get pregnant two years now but nothing and i found out that i have herpes if i get pregnant wil my babt get it as i have a four year old i did a c section with but back then i did not have herpes


rachel81 - November 9

because of the herpes you will need to deliver via c-section...your baby should not be affected


magicmarcy - November 9

dunkley~ My friend has herpes, and they will only do a C-section if you are having an outbreak. she has 3 kids now with no outbreaks during delivery. All 3 kids are fine. Just wanted you to know. But the doctor leaves it ultimately up to you, cause you know your body. My friend felt like she was having an outbreak her last child, and had the doctors check, they said they didn't see anything, but she knows best how it felt. And it wasn't an outbreak. Hope this makes you feel better. Either way you will be just fine when you get pregnant.


Chimerasai - November 10

my dr. just said she would put me on valtrex before delivery to prevent any breakouts. as long as you are not having an episode, you can deliver depending on how you and your dr feel about it. That is what we are planning to do.


Cleveland Rocks - November 11

dundkley, Magicmarcy and chimerasai are right -- rachel81 I am sorry but that is totally incorrect information! You can absolutely deliver vaginally!!!!!



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