11 DPO too early to test?
3 Replies
I want to test tomorrow, 11 DPO, too early?
most dont show up until 12-14 dpo. Those that test and get it at 10 and 11 days is rare. Fertitlity friend says : You can try testing again in another few days (once you are past your usual luteal phase length) to see if it was just too early to test or if you got a false negative result. You should have your answer one way or the other by 16-18 days past ovulation. Consult with your doctor to see what could be keeping your period away if your temperatures stay elevated for 18 days or more with no sign of your period or a positive pregnancy test.
If your period is not yet late (if you are not yet past your usual luteal phase length, or, if you do not know your luteal phase length, if it is not yet 16 days past ovulation) it is also very possible that you are not pregnant. Some early pregnancy symptoms are similar to what you would feel before getting your period since the hormone progesterone, which is present in increased amount both before your period and during pregnancy, can cause these symptoms. ...I'd save your money til the day you're due and if af doesnt show up take a test then. Why waste money (unless you have endless amounts) but if its a bfn then you'll be worried sick and it may be a false negative.
Hi Kelly. I got a +OPK on December 31 and did a First Reponse Early pregnancy test on January 11 and got a BFP. The same day I had a quantative serum blood pregnancy test and my HCG level was 30.2. I think you can test this early. I hope this helps and you get your BFP! BABY DUST!
I tested with the Aim Stick and a First Response Early Detection at 11 DPO. Aim was negative; FRED was very faintly positive. I went in for a quantitative blood test the next day, and my HCG was 209 (first u/s showed twins)! So, yes.