Not giving up....
4 Replies
KristRye - October 7

When I was in "infertility" forums I always felt HOPE when someone who tried for a LONG time got their BFP. Well, ladies....after FIVE LONG YEARS...I FINALLY got a BFP. I am still in shock!! I was starting to feel like God would never answer my prayers....but he did. :) Hang in there ladies. I WILL HAPPEN!!! I have been TTC since I was 22 and am now 27 and infertility was the longest, hardest, most emotionally draining and difficult thing my husband and I have ever had to endure. But, in the end....we finally saw our VERY FIRST BFP!! It even happened w/o trying. I didn't even run my monitor last month because I was starting to feel so hopeless. Anyway, I also wanted to share the name of this company....INCIID...I found it last month when I was feeling discouraged about not being able to afford IVF. They offer sort of an IVF schlorship. If you type them in Google...they come up right away. I did my letter and everything....just about to apply....when BOOM...AF never shows up and I have been sick as a dog. GOOD LUCK AND BABY DUST TO EACH OF YOU!!! If it can happy for me after five will happen to you. GOD BLESS


Bezzaismyname - August 27

Hi KristRye, i am in the same boat as you, i have been battling for about 6 years now, I like you have been praying, and hopefully one day it will happen, the only difference is i think i suffer from secondary infertility. I have a daughter, who is 6. We started trying again right after her cause i wanted them to be close in age but then after it didn't happen i kept trying and here it is 6 years later. But know i'm leaving it up to the LORD, if he wants me to have one it will happen. I'm tired of being poked and proded! I just keep praying! and one day maybe the man upstairs will let me have a bundle of joy, or maybe he will let me understand why not. SO everyone keep there hopes up, The lord has a reason for everything. GOD BLESS EVERYONE!


brwneyedbaby74 - October 11

Congrats to you!!! I'm glad I found this forum. I have been trying to conceive since pregnant like u did without trying after 5 years of treatments..and here I am again...I love seeing good keeps my hopes up.


EricaLayne - December 26

Hi, it's so good to hear all these success stories. It really gives us hope! I have been trying for 3yrs and no luck, but I'm going to the doc. next month to see whats wrong. I am so happy for you!! Infertility is so depressing. Wish me luck!


VickyWantababy - January 4

Answer: I did Femara after ttc for 10 years and got pregnant on the 2nd cycle ,prior to that I had a M/C on 10/06 got pregnant on the 2nd cycle of Femara and hcg shot and I had the happiest most perfect 9 months of my life and on Nov 15,2007 I had a beautifull ,healthy BabyGirl her name: Destiny, and Unfortunately due to negligence she passed away 1 hour after delivery,I never got to see my baby alive,after pushing for 2 hours and a half and nothing happening I had a c section done but they put me to sleep completely and they didn't let my husband in which he had the camara and the reson for that is bc they knew that they've done somthing terrible and they did not want us to see it, she was beautifull I miss her dearly , and I just hope that they didn't took my last chance of being a Mother also bc that would be devasteting for us, I'm doing a little better now I have my moments ,but I'm looking for the future and hoping that I will make it again not to replace her bc that will never happen ,but just to finally be able to have a little one with me in my arms while My precious Baby Angel watch over us...For those of you who are pregnant ,Please,Please!!! check your obs records and how long they've been in the practice and make sure they are not too young, and also Please search really good on the hospital you chose and make sure but make sure they have a Nicu and are ready to help a baby that comes out with a little trouble...Trust me I know what I'm saying unfortunately...Now I just hope I can do it again and I know the Lord will help us and our Little Angel will too..I love her very,very much and I kow that one day will be together again to never fall apart ever again..God bless you all, Keep the faith,Don't every give up on your dream and keep on fighting and keep on goind is all worth it believe me...



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