How many are having trouble ttc for #2 or higher?
21 Replies
Ok, I just read about secondary infertility on another website, and that site states that secondary infertility is actually more common than primary infertility. I'm just wondering how many of us are ttc for #2 or higher.
Hi mel :> Not my month...hubby has been gone alot so no sex..if only I could bottle his little guys..hha hhe
I thought the sam when I traveled to Fl in Jan. :-)
Hey Ilissa where are ya???? Haven't heard from you in a couple days.
Hey sorry I know :) I have been busy no time to get on here and talk...trying to get stevie in school and trying to fix my car and hubbys truck and blah blah..ya no life" you hanging in there?
hi Melissa,i had the same problem trying to concieve my second baby to. It took me 2 years to concieve second time,now we're thinking of trying for no3 but worried if it will happen at all 3rd time!
Hi I have been trying for 6 months and no luck. Finally wet to the dr to learn I have secondary infertility. I have a three year old biy so this was a shock to me. I just learned I do not ovulate on my own. We are having my husband tested and then on our way to try clomid. Any one else experience a similar situation???
Hi Mom2Matt - I took clomid for 2 cycles and conceived. I am now 6 1/2 weeks pg. Good luck on the clomid.
Hi I have new while waiting for my period to start the clomid, I conceived on my own. I am now 8 weeks pregnant... Don't give us and never stop trying even when they say it won't happen
My son was our "oops" baby and it happened my first month off the pill. It then took us a year to get pregnant with my daughter. This time around I haven't been ovulating at all (went over 3 years without ovulating at all). With the help of clomid, I have ovulated the past 2 cycles. We have been trying for 18 months this time around.
I have a 4yo and my husband and I started trying for our second 2 years ago. I have tried everything, even clomid, and am now on fertility medication. The Dr. cannot figure out why we are not conceiving. Is any one else having trouble coping with their inferility? Need some support.
I'm having the same problem now, trying to conceive baby # 2 (my daughter is now 8) & it seems that I need help
Hello Everyone, I think i fall into this catagory, I have one daughter who is 6, and i have been trying for our second for 6 years and no luck. I have been to so many doc's, no luck so add me to the Hang in there everyone.. :)
I have tried, everything, even took 3 rounds of clomid, and still no luck So i am leaving up to the Lord to help me out.
cheryl, hello I am also ttc #2 I also have a 4 yo and been ttc for almost 3 years. I am currently on my 6 cycle of clomid the last two cycles I have also gotten the trigger shot, I am hoping that it happens for us good luck to you:)
I have a 7 year old and have been trying to conceive for 3 years on my second. I am currently on my first month with clomid. Both my husband and I have both been tested and all of the tests have come back ok.
Hi All,
I am also in this boat with all of you. I have a 2 year old, no troubles conceiveing him. Now I have been trying a year for #2. I am having an hsg today...heard that increases fertility chances for 3 months afterward. I had a uterine infection 10 days postpartum and had to have a D&C. The MD says this could have lead to my infertility. Anyone else out there have a similar experience with infection? Also, for thos of you on Clomid, how long were you trying and what else did you try before taking Clomid?