please help
1 Replies
tink021 - December 3

ok so im 16 and i hav had sex 3 times. is this ussual for a girl of my age?? please help


iampg - December 15

i think that being curious about sex is normal at any age. acting on it has a lot to do with having an available partner - since most guys are up for it with anyone (if they can get away with it) i'd say your chances are high at 16. my first sexual experience was deliberate on my part (i chose the partner and raised the subject to him) it's been that way ever since. so take stock of how it all went - would you change anything about how it went? then make a new choice about how, where, when, who for next time. (if you have a problem with condoms now - practice in private so you get over it - otherwise you'll attract situations where you might end up with STD. good luck - happy exploring!



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