IVF !!
1 Replies
carolina93 - July 31

Aren’t Frozen Eggs Less Effective Than Fresh Eggs?


sarvi012 - July 31

Success rates with fresh embryos were higher than frozen because of the risk of damage in the thawing process. However, vitrification (egg or embryo freezing) technology leads to about 99% embryo survival, which means that success rates with frozen embryos is comparable to fresh embryos.
Also, a pregnancy using frozen embryos may lead to healthier long-term fetal outcomes. This is because freezing allows for Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS) / Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), which can allow for healthier embryos with a greater chance of leading to a live birth.
Another benefit is that freezing lets a woman’s hormone levels to “cool off” after egg retrieval and stimulation. That means that fertility specialists can transfer embryos at a time when a woman’s hormone levels are stable and may improve implantation of the embryo and pregnancy development.
Vitrification technology has also led to significant improvements in egg freezing outcomes, giving women the chance to preserve fertility for the future. Most IVF procedures are minimally invasive and are performed on an outpatient basis. While it is recommended that patients not over-exert themselves, most patients return to work the next day following an egg retrieval and can return to their regular exercise routine by their next menstrual cycle. Following an embryo transfer, most doctors recommend a few days of bed rest.



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