wondering what worked for people in my situation
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mrspaj - October 29

diagnosed with mild endo following a lap last summer (although the pain is more than "mild")...was on lupron then seasonique then back on lupron...3 days ago i took my last provera in an effort by my Dr to get my period started again...so far nothing but i was told to wait 10 days until i call and panic :-) at my app't pre-provera my Dr mentioned going on clomid to up my chance of conceiving and then if no success the next month we'd try IUI... we definitely want a baby but i want (and i know DH wants even though he hasn't said so) to keep a little romance in this for as long as possible. that may sound naive and i definitely don't want to "waste time" but i'm 28 and DH is 29 so i'd like to think that we maybe have time to try on our own this cycle and then maybe start clomid next cycle... My Dr completely understood but recommended not trying on our own for more than a month or two at most because every month without anything in my system and without getting pg is another 30 days of the endo coming back and making things ultimately harder.... I guess I'm just looking for other ladies' stories... Anyone in the same boat with endo and lupron and provera? Did you start trying on your own at all or go straight to the Dr's hands (and pills and injections, etc)?



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