i have been going through infertility testing,after allt he testing and stuff my doctor hinted that i will need laporoscopy to determine endo and to find out more about my PCOS. i was just wondering from those who have had it done-what is laporoscopy like? why is it performed and does it actually "fix" things-in the sense does it make things easier for us one day to actually become pregnant?
Hi Patty! A lap is basically exploratory, a way for your drs to see what's going on inside. But the advantage is once they're inside, & see what's really going on it's easy to then fix any problems they find since they're in there already. Most drs will fix as they go, though some drs just do diagnostic lap, discuss their findings & do another surgical lap later. Make sure in your pre-op appt. to ask your dr if he will fix any problem he finds during your initial lap. As you probably remember from posting with me before, I just had my laporosocpy & Ovarian Drilling (for PCOS) almost 2 weeks ago. With you PCOS it might be worth asking how your dr feels about the Ovarian Drilling (OD). You'll be asleep during the laporoscopy, & when you wake up the hospital will do a very good job of keeping you as comfortable as possible. I had several shots of morphine put into my IV & 2 different anti-nausea meds to keep anthesia-related nausea at bay. The stiches are very tiny, & though they occassionally still rub & get irritated, there's really not much pain after the first 2-3 days. Most people get gas pain (usually presents in the shoulders) afterwards too. My dr must've done a very good job getting rid of the excess gas (that they use to pump up your abdomen and make it easier to see all the organs), b/c I had no shoulder pain at all & very little gas pain in my abdomen. I'm still waiting for my success story, but even if no problems are found therein I've read lots of stories of PG being acheived shortly after the surgery. Good luck, Patty. Keep me posted on what the dr says & when you get scheduled for the lap. Your well wishes helped me when I was recovering! :)
thanks mega. i am not sure when this will all be scheduled.possibly late march-- plus--i live in italy so things are different here. i still have a transvaginal on day 4 of my next cycle. a progesterone blood test on march 9---and the final review---or what i call the final sentence---on march 22. but the tech already told me today that my specialist has mentioned surgery. ---i was just curious because this is all scary and new to me , is it very dangerous to touch and fiddle with these reproductive parts ?
Wow, you live in Italy? Where? Oh I was there once aeons ago, a vacation with my mom when I was young. Gorgeous. We stayed in Rome but also went to Naples & Capri. LOVED it. Final sentence--too funny! Yeah, well though your process is structured a bit different than mine (I'm in the US), at least they're being thorough. No, laporoscopy is one of the most minor, least invasive kinds of surgery. They're really just looking at your repro. parts, they're not really moving them, maybe lifting up a little bit to see better, check for endo but not really fiddling with them too much. Your dr will do a better job at reassuring you though at your "final sentence" I'm sure, but it's a relatively safe procedure in as much as a surgery can be. Honestly? I'm glad I had it done. And I got pictures of my insides as a souvenir, too. How cool (& gross) is that?!
yeah mega. i live in italy now-was born and raised in the U.S. then seven years ago while vacationing here-things changed with -my now husband-who i also knew my whole life , we just started looking at each other differently. we married in aug 03. i still return to new york because basically all my family is still there. but i love it here !
What a cool story about you & your DH knowing eachother for so long & feelings changing. Life is so funny that way. My DH is the older brother of one of my close friends from high school. He used to annoy us all, pick on us all mercilessly & then our feelings changed and we've together for 4 years, married since 9/04.
mega---do you have any idea why they did not want be to get an hsg done ? i have had tons of transvaginals, a scan (x-ray) of my reproductive area. a sonogram---tons of blood work, pct test. ---but no hsg---when they first sent me for all this testing they mentioned that i would need it done.....then nothing. they want to wait ....WHY? . also what is rcovery like for laporoscopy...how many days in bed--and when do we actually feel like getting up ?
ohhh--MEGA- you metioned that life is funny that way----yeah it is, and also in other ways----like pregnancy---what comes so natural and easy for others turns into a battle for normal people like us !---i would never have immagined all this trouble years ago !
Yeah, I hear you about that. It's funny but I only know one person who thought they'd have fertility issues (I guess she saw her sis struggle) & guess what? She got pg her first month trying. Me, I didn't think I'd have much of a problem at all (though my mom struggled for 10 years to have me), & now I'm going working with a RE. Life is funny that way. Maybe they're just waiting to do the HSG when you have the lap, since you have to have it done anyway. Often times drs like to do everything during the lap, it less stressful for the patient that way b/c they're asleep anyway. One stop shopping, so to speak. The recovery time varies, I made myself take it easy that whole weekend, & I was off Monday too but I went out to lunch & went shopping. I was okay, a little weaker than normal, but not bad. Friday after I got home I stayed in my bedroom, watching TV, but that was mainly b/c I was close to the bathroom that way, & I had to pee so much from all the fluids they pumped in, for awhile I was peeing like every 20 mins. or so. Fun times. But I wasn't sleepy or anything like I thought I'd be. And that was a restless night too, sleeping wasn't comfortable & I'd wake up whenever the pain meds wore off. But the next day was better. I spent all of Sat. propped up in this reclining chair we have under a comforter while DH waited on me hand & foot. I was a lot more comfortable that day. My advice is plan on babying yourself just for a couple of days, even if you're not feeling that poorly. Also, another piece of advice, have sore throat lozenges on hand. They'll intubate you during surgery & your throat will be sore for a while. I sucked on a longenze first sign of a sore throat & it cleared up right away.
thanks mega---they actually said that when the surgery is performed i will stay in the hospital a few days (2-3.) mostly for exams. well on march 9- i have the progestorone blood test and 1 more transvaginal on day 4 or 5 of my cycle. then on march 22---i will knew EVERYTHING !---which is scary !
Really? Wow, if you're staying in the hospital for 2-3 days for testing, that's a lot of tests they plan on running. I'll bet you're eager & dreading 3/22 at the same time. Well, the hospital will keep you in a nice druggy-fog during your stay at least. So that's one good thing. I guess Italy does things a lot differently than the US, at least in that regard. The US they love to show you the door shortly after surgery is over.
patty, I had a lap last fall and it was not bad at all. The recovery was pretty easy, and should be even better for you, since you will be in the hospital. After the lap, you can walk around and everything--not painful at all. Very cool you live in Italy. My dh and I got married there in 2003. Good luck to you!
thanks ann--i am happy to hear it is not so bad-it is all just scary for me because it is the reality that life doesnt always turn out the way we expected. and at times the unexpected is scary to me ! good luck !
Yes, the unexpected can definitely be scary. But in my (limited) experience it usually works out pretty good in the end. As Ann said it's not bad. I'd suggest asking your dr on your 3/22 final sentence if he thinks you're a candidate for Ovarian Drilling (diathermy).