why am i not getting pregnant?
2 Replies
nbnmnb - January 26

about five years ago i got pregnant. I was only eighteen
and scared,so my boyfriend and I decided to terminate the pregnancy.After that I never got pregnant again, even though we don't use any kind of protection.What is the cause of that,is something wrong with me?I'm scared to go to the doctor because I'm scared of what the outcome might be.


BabyOnMyMind - January 26

I would go to the doctor to make sure that everything is okay. Especially if you do want to have children now. Have you had regular gyno visits?


caribangell - January 31

one cause might be scaring for the termination, so try to have an HSG done and have your ovaries checked to see if your ovulating, and if you have follicles. good luck and God bless



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