Which one should I go with?????
3 Replies
Christina - December 22

DH & I have been ttc for 4 months w/ no luck! The past 2 months I have been charting BBT & using OPK's. Well this month I never got a darker line on my OPK than my control line actually was. However, this morning when I checked BBT it was 97.9 & the morning before it wsa 97.0. Does this mean that I Oed? Should I go w/ the BBT & not the OPK???


jcr - December 22

I would tend to go with temps, I never have much luck with the opk's, and I think if the line is the same as the control line you are ok so good luck!


lynn - December 22

Hi Christina,
Once you get 3 consecutive days of higher temps, ovulation has probably occured. I take temps and use opks. it is possible to miss the surge when using the opks. They say to try and use the opks at the same time each day. This increases your chances of catching the surge. Good Luck!!


me - December 22

I don't like OPKs. They were never accurate with me. I would go with the temps and definitely with your cm. If you were wetter than normal, there is a good chance you Oed. I actually did't temp the month I conceived, and just listened to my body. I only temped a few days after the fact and after it stayed up for a week, I knew I had Oed. Hope this is your month! Good luck!



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