which date do I count from?????
4 Replies
Allie - December 12

Hi. I had just gotten AF this morning (full force). however, last night around 9:00 when I wiped a very light pink was on the paper. Would I start counting my cycle day as Sunday or Monday? Thanks.


L - December 12

According to my RE, cycle day 1 is the first day of full flow. So, start counting Monday as cd1.


Allie - December 12

Thanks so much "L". That is what I was doing, but thought I may be doing it incorrectly!! I appreciate your help.


L - December 12

Any time Allie. Good Luck!!!


NC - December 13

Not to disagree with "L" but my RE says first sign of blood is cd1. I did ask even if spotting and he said 1st sign. Ask your OB or RE what his/her opinion is. Some people spot for a day or two before full force (my issue) so that is what he has said. Everyone is different so ask what applies for you.



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