when stopping progesterone suppositories when should af come
6 Replies
| isa - October 13 |
I found out yesterday I am not pregnant so I was told to stop the progesterone supps and let af come. How long does it take for the prog. supps to get out of my system and allow af to come does anyone have any experiences with this? I am cramping today in low abs but cervix is still medium height and closed
i have the same question too. anyone out there please?
| Ann - October 13 |
I only took them for one month before getting pg. But I stopped mine after testing negative and I got AF two days later. Good luck!
| isa - October 14 |
thanks ann, that means hopefully af will come tomorrow.
| sue - October 14 |
well My re called monday and told me to stop the suppositories because my beta was negative. I stopped the suppositories 5 days ago and am still waiting for af. Last time i used the suppositories it took 3 days to get af, so who knows. if no af by monday which is 3 days away i have to go for another beta.
| isa - October 14 |
Well I got my own answer 2 days. My last suppository was Wed am. got -ve beta Wed aftn so never took any more supps and I got my af at 10 this morning. yeah -how weird is that to be excited about af. To sue, lets hope your beta comes up with a BIG number and you dont want af to come -baby dust girl