What is a progesterone level test at CD 21
1 Replies
ROBYN - March 3

My RE wants to me contact them on CD 21 which is today if i didnt get a my "surge" to check my progesterone levels. I am new to seeing my fertility specialist. Just had about 18 viles of blood work done today. I also have PCOS. Already had the HSG, vaginal ultrasounds etc. Just dont know what the "surge" thing and level check is. Can anyone answer the question? Thanks and good luck to all.


Mega - March 3

Hi Robyn. The day 21 test just checks your progesterone levels to see if you ovulated this cycle. It's a quantative test & any # 10 and above would be indicative of ovulation. When you say surge, how are you monitoring this cycle? OPK? BBT? The surge is just when whatever method you're using indicates O is about to take place. As you're finding out, seeing a RE means a lot of close monitoring, lots of blood draws, u/s, all that fun stuff. Anyway, HTH!



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