weird opk results help
3 Replies
s - November 9

In this cycle I have had 3 pos opk's. I had a miscarriage back in july, could that have messed up my hormones, has this happened to anyone else?? Please anwer


t - November 9

i was recently reading an article that said you might get up to 3 opks and it could be normal as you might catch the lh surge right at the beginning on a day most wouldnt have caught it then the next two days also, the 3rd being probably the weakest line as the lh surge is leaving 'radar'


s - November 9

Thanks for your response. The only problem is that the pos were like over 1 week apart! I would get a positive and then a few days later get a negative and then about 1 week later I would get another positive???


1 - November 9




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