wanting a baby
1 Replies
Brandy - August 17

my bf and i have been trying to have a baby for approx. 5 months now and nothing. i have never had a steady period but in the last 3 months at the begining of the month i have spotted like a brownish color. so i am a little confused and want to know if i can still get preg. or what the spotting means..


KellyN - August 17

Brandy, you probably need to go get yourself checked out at a dr or gyno. Its okay to miss a period here and there, but if you show a history of non-steady periods, particularly periods where you are only spotting, you need to find out why. I have a very light af, and found out I have PCOS, no wonder we weren't getting pg!!! Make sure they do an ultrasound!! -kelly



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