Waking temperature and Sleep
3 Replies
Loulouse - January 7

Hi Ladies....This is my first cycle charting and I have a problem and hoping that someone will be able to help me. Basically, I know that I have to take my temp every morning at the same time but the problem is that I don't go to sleep at the same time everynight. I took my temp at 7 am everymornong an sometimes I go to bed at midnight, 3am, even 5am . I have read that every 30mns more you sleep raise the temp to a tenth of a degree. Now wouldn't it make sense to get the same amount of sleep every night instead of taking it every morning at the same time? I don't know if I am making sense but anyonw who want to help , please do so. I don't wan to take it all wrong. Please help. Baby dust to all!!!!


me - January 7

Basically, you are right in that you shold try to take it the saem time every day. However, if you do not get at least 3 hours of real sleep, your brain does not shut off completely and lowers your temp to the basal temp. Usually if you get at least 3 hours of sleep it brings your tmep down to the basal temp. If you can't get 3 hours of sleep, maybe try changing the wake up time to fit in the 3 hours. Other than that, there is not much more you can do if you really want to get accurate readings. My suggestion is to listen to your body when you are wettest and bd then. hope that helped! Good luck!


Loulouse - January 10

Thank you very much me. You definetely help me. What you said definetely make sense.


me - January 10

no prob. been there that's all :) good luck!



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