Taking my tempature, PLEASE HELP!!!!
4 Replies
ciera - February 25

I have only been TTC for a few months, but this month I thought I was pregnant since my period was a few days late. I am going to start taking my tempature, but I have never done it before. Can someone help me with what I am to do??


Tottie - February 27

Just google 'bbt charting' and you will get a whole host of sites explaining the process. It is quite simple really; order a special thermometer , pop it in your mouth (can choose otehr places but mouth is less obtrusive!) at around the same time every morning and chart your results. It gets quite addictive and is actually very interesting seeing the changes in your body. All the best.


ciera - February 28

Thanks for the advice!! Now its when I see a change that I am ovulating. Now if there is no change, but I do get a period does that mean that I didn't ovulate??


readynow - February 28

fertilityfriend.com-answered all my questions.


ciera - March 1

Thank you so much. Did you have any luck?? Did you try the tempature thing??



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