Super low bbt's - what is up with this chart??
6 Replies
laura s. - November 6

Can someone please look at this chart and tell me what is going on? The green line is this month, the blue line is last month. (hope this link works...)

temps are staying below the coverline and it's freaking me out. Did I just not ovulate this month? Will I get my period even if I haven't ovulated? I'm really concerned something is wrong... :(


Jen - November 6

Laura I tried to look at your chart but there seems to be a problem with the link address. Could you check it and then I'll have another look. I do think though that if your temps are below the coverline after you think you ovulated then it is likely that you didn't ovulate this cycle. or on a more positive note it may have been a problem with how you took your temps, ie. if you did it at a different time than usual.


laura s. - November 6


laura s. - November 6

I posted the link it its own post so hopefully it will work now. Thanks Jen, yeah that's what I was fearing was the case. I have been a bit stressed out this month with work so maybe that threw my ovulation off since I haven't been doing anything different with my bbts this month. Just such a bummer, feels like such a waste of time when that happens. Hopefully I'll be back to normal next month...


Jen - November 6

Laura I looked at your chart and here are my thoughts. Last cycle it looks like you did ovulate but had a short luteal phase which might suggest progesterone problems. This cycle it looks like you didn't ovulate as your temps are so low although it did look like you were going to ovulate around the 18 as your temp dipped and then you had those 2 high temps before they fell. I am definitely no expert but I've been temping for awhile. I think you should make an appointment to see a dr to check out why your not ovulating and if you have a luteal phase defect (which can be quite easily treated with progesterone). Good luck to you.


laura s. - November 6

Jen, you know, I was afraid of that exact problem, but it's good to have someone else to confirm my suspicions so I know I'm not being overly concerned. We've been trying for almost 10 months now with no luck at all (I am 28, dh is 30) so I think I will make an appt. to see the OBGYN. Thank you so much for your advice, hopefully the doctor can help me out.


Jen - November 6

I'm approaching 10 months trying too so I know about how frustrating all this can be. Good luck with the obgyn and tons of baby dust to you.



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