Starting my 2ww, anyone want to wait together?
64 Replies
Holly - November 24 sorry to hear about your loss.. My thoughts are with you. I am still in that O time so I have a two day window?? so then I have the 2ww? I really have no idea how this works anymore.. Baby dust to everyone.. Things happen for a reason.. ;o)


Heidi - November 26

Sara- I am so these situations it is always so hard to find the right thing to say and often I find that usually just listening can be the best comfort to some people. That is why I love chatting with ya gals. I Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and were able to count all your wonderful blessings. I was really dreading going to my inlaws. My motherinlaw is the main person that is always saying hurtful things about wanting a grandchild, but this is the first time she never said a word. We never told her about any of the treatments or even that we are trying so I really can't blame her. People in general doen't say what I want to hear. A book that you may find comforting (I have read and reread it a number of times) When Empty Arms Become a Heavy Burden. It is a Christian's guide to dealing with infertility. Even if you aren't a Christian, you may find it comforting.


Sara - November 26

I hope everyone had a great Turkey day!!!Thanks for all of your support.I've really needed it.I've opened a new thread called 2ww part 2.We are getting really long so I thought maybe if we start a new thread it will be like a new beginning for all of us.(I could use one).See over there!!!


sandiwaite - January 19

can i get pregrant with a turkey baser



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