Starting Clomid in May.. Wanna Join***
320 Replies
Katherine79 - July 12

Hey Cmarie, I was just checking to see how your appt. went on Tues. Mine was moved to Fri.


cmarie - July 18

Hey Katherine! The appt. went well. We found out we are having a little girl! So you find out this friday ?!?


Katherine79 - July 22

Hey Cmaire, Congrats on the little girl they are so fun to shop for and have the cutest stuff. I was 15 weeks on Fri. and really wasn't planning on finding out, but he said it was a boy. I sure hope he wasn't wrong.


cmarie - July 27

oh Katherine congrats to you!!!!!!! A little boy!!! My husband will be very jealous. I am so excited for you. Now you can go out and buy some very cute boy stuff. I went to target today and they had a ton of things on sale- very cute biy things!! Have you thought of names or nursery ideas yet? Please feel free to e-mail me so we can talk - [email protected]


wish2bamommy - June 15

Hi Ladies! I am just starting clomid and by reading some of your stories I am very excited. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about a year and I have PCOS. I pray that this works for me as it has for so many of you. Any other suggestions while taking it?



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