SOOO Frustrated!!!
23 Replies
Lisa - July 14

Dear anonymous - I feel your frustration. My best friend has two children - one is 4 and the other is 3. Obviously she had no problem whatsoever getting pregnant. Her first was only 6 months old when she found out she was pregnant with her second. And ironically enough, this was when I started seeing a fertility specialist. I was actually sitting in my doctors office when she called to tell me she was in labor, and on her way to the hospital. How could I be happy for her? Hopefully, just knowing that you're not alone in your situation, and there are tons of us going through the same thing - maybe this will help you to be strong. There's nothing wrong with the way you're feeling - it's perfectly normal. The most important thing, is that you communicate with her, and explain to her how you're feeling. If not, you're going to build up a wall between you and your best friend, and if she allows you to distance yourself (like you want to) you may lose her- and that won't help your situation any. It will only make you feel even more alone.


Anonymous - July 14

Everyone on this site is just so awesome! I read all of your posts today and I really did get goose bumps and then I cried but I think they were tears of relief because I have been feeling like a hotrible person for even feeling this way. I should be happy for anyone pregnant, no matter who it is, because it really is a miracle! I never thought it was, more that I thought it was just the way our bodies worked and how it was meant to be..We are supposed to have children right? Until we started trying, and having problems, and as each months goes on with no different news then the past month, I do think its a miracle that anyone can get pregnant and the people who get pregnant with just a look (my best friend) really are so lucky and blessed. Jen, I feel just like you. I want what everyone else seems to be able to have without any effort and after time, it does become harder and harder to be happy for others, and to not feel sorry for yourself. Its so much pressure, how can you relax ? How can you possibly not think about it when most of us are charting, feeling your cervix, peeing on sticks half the month, etc. Its a little tough to ignore...I hope all of our time does come, and we can meet each other on a thread for expecting, rather then one with the word:"problems" in it. Baby dust needs to collect at my house just like other dust does that I cant get rid of!! Good luck to eveyone..
My AF came 7-11, so I know its early to start a thread of waiting, but if anyone is interested and on the same days roughly, let me know. I think this is the 1st month that I am really feeling like I need a friend to wait with.
Good luck to everyone!


dee - July 14

i know how you feel ! my younger sister and her sister in law drink and do drugs even while there pregnant and they have know problem getting pregnant ..i really want a baby girl so bad im in tears every is mine & hubbys wedding anniversary and also the earlyest day for me to test for pregnancy in my cycle and it was negative again this month ...i've been crying all day with disappointment :( good luck to you!


faye - July 15

i know just how you feel, my friend just had a baby 6 days ago hes gorgeous, she didnt even want children. so i know how you feel.... im just trying to stay happy for her but its so hard, im sorry you have to feel like this to... its awful its deffinatly the worst feeling in the world


Mimi - July 15

Dee and Faye, I can relate to that. I had friends that clearly stated they wanted no kids...and boom, they came out pregnant. And I have a cousin who is into drugs and they took all of her 7 kids away. They are beautiful children...just sad they had to grow in such a bad environment. It seems unfair at times that those that would love and would take good care of their kids have to go thru so much pain and heartache to achieve it, while others that don't really care have them from a drop of the hat. I still say let's hang on and keep trying! Or like Dora from finding Nemo kept saying: "Just keep swimming, keep swimming. " :) Just trying to cheer you all up...and myself. Have a wonderful evening, Ladies.


G - July 15

I know how you feel. I am in the same situation. My friend just delivered her third baby who she conceived when her 2nd baby is about 4 mths old. I am trying to be happy for her but it is so hard for me. I had tried seriouslly for long eigth months and 3 cycles with clomid but with no success. I conceive within 3 mths of TTC for my first baby girl who is now 1 1/2 yrs old. Many advise me not to be so stressful about this and when the time comes for me, it will just happen. I feel nobody understand how I feel. I was advised to give IVF a try but I am not ready with the cost and the success rate, but my age is catching up. I am 38 yrs old now. I am now just off clomid and giving myself another month before I go for laparoscopy and other fertility drug (as clomid did not work for me). All of friends around me say I should be proud as I am blessed with my girl. I am, yes I am really glad to have her but am I asking too much to have another baby? I cry and scream each moth when AF visit.... Just wanting to vent and scream and cry


Just Venting - July 15

I was watching the news this morning and there was a woman on there who just had her 6th baby taken away by the state. The last baby to be taken away was just yesterday because the social worker had a scheduled appt with her after she didnt take her baby of a few months to the dr for shots. when the worker walked in the house they found the baby laying on the floor only feet from chemicals!! the camera showed chemicals and trash of all sorts on her floor. when the woman came home she said that she left the neighbor to watch the baby but she didnt know the neighbor actually had to be in the same house?!?!?! So her 5 kids were already in state this one....AND THE BITCH IS PREGNANT WITH HER 7TH!!!!!!!!! ugh that pisses me off. sorry for rambling


Jen - July 15

I just have to say that reading everything you all have written has really made me feel better. Sometimes I feel like my emotions are sooo out of control and that maybe its just me that feels this way. So if nothing else being able to vent to people that understand has proven to me that I'm not crazy or an awful person to hurt when others get pregnant so easily. Thank you for boosting my spirits. I had my little pity party yesterday, but like Mimi said, we just need to keep going. Tomorrow is another day and things will go our way eventually. All in good time. Hang in there everyone!



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