Same thing? ClearBlue Easy Monitor and ClearPlan Easy Monito
3 Replies
kare21162 - March 28

Is the ClearBlue Easy Monitor and the ClearPlan Easy Monitor the same thing??? Because I have a ClearPlan Monitor with ClearBlue test sticks. Will this work, please help me!!!


MaryG - March 28

Yes it is the same thing. For some reason the company changed its name.
I have the Clear Plan monitor too and I use the Clear Blue test sticks. Check out their site if you have any questions: Hope this helps!


kare21162 - March 28

Yes, but I didn't see on the site that it changed it's name and you can use the ClearBlue sticks with the ClearPlan monitor. Well I got it off E-Bay and they seller is sending me the ClearBlue Monitor because that is what the ad said it was. So I'm shipping the ClearPlan back. Thank you anyways.


Sweetpea - March 29

They do work the same, and the sticks are interchangable... I believe I read that they changed the name for lawsuit resons... "Clearplan" sounded too much like a promise it can get you pregnant" But my friend has a Clearblue and I have the clearplan they are identical in everyway except the corner that says its name.



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