Questions on providing a semen sample at home
2 Replies
Nadia24 - February 4

Hi everyone. DH is 29 yrs old and I am 24. We have been married for a little over 4 years and have been TTC#1 for about 6 months. We went to an RE on Jan. 12 of this year. On Jan. 19th I had a post coital test done. My CM looked great and the pH balance was normal. When we looked at a little sample of my CM under the microscope all we seen was 6 sperm and they were dead. The RN suggested DH get a SA to make sure my CM wasn't killing his sperm. Well we have an appoinment scheduled for Feb 14 at 8:00a. DH is providing the sample at home and I am taking it in within 30 minutes. The receptionist said I have to plan accordingly and bring it in by 8 (kinda seems weird to me since people can't 'plan' on long it is going to take). Anyways, we have decided to use a "special condom" used for collecting a sample. So we will have sexual intercourse that morning. The thing I am worried about is that it feels kind of odd to 'have to' have sex. How am I supposed to make it pleasurable for DH when he knows we "have to" do it. What if he can't perform? I am just so worried. I think I have to set up the alarm clock and get in the mood, as well as get him in the mood. Any suggestions or input is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Cycle 7
CD 1


hopeful06 - February 4

Nadia....Is there a particular day that you have to have the sample? Is it on Feb 14th or can you take it in anytime prior? My dh had a semen analysis done and we could bring it in to the lab anytime before 3pm M-Th. I know different labs are different, but maybe there is another drop-off point you could go to so that you don't have to feel like everything is so planned?? That way, you could just use the special condom whenever you were in the mood already and it would put less stress on you. Then, at your appt on Feb 14th you could just discuss the results--it only took 24 hours to get ours back. Check with your doctor and see if this is possible--I think it would make it a lot easier. Good luck.


Nadia24 - February 4

hopeful06, thanks for the suggestion. I really don't think they do that at the RE office I go to. I guess I can check at my Ob-gyn, since they also do SA's over there, too. Yeah the way you described it is how it should be. Having an exact appoinment is so frustrating even to think about it. Thanks!



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