question about OPKs
1 Replies
Randa - August 26

We have been taking a break from ttc and just started back up this month, and this is the first month i have used FF,and charted. I have always used OPKs so i used a test today and sure enough it was a 2 nice dark lines wooooot then as i was going to put it back it the foil to throw it away and then i seen the exp was expired! Do you think it was still correct? i have 20 more just like it. lol


D. - August 26

I've used them past their expiration date without an issue. I wouldn't use any that expired two years ago, but if it's only a matter of months, I wouldn't worry about it. And FF will let you know if the OPKs were on the money or not. That should tell you for sure whether it was a trustworthy test. In the meantime, get busy! And Good Luck!



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