progesterone level
3 Replies
jaynealex - March 2

I work in a hospital and had a nurse friend take my blood for the last 4 months and discovered that i had low progesterone levels and became concerned about my fertility. However, I just tested them today only to dicover that the level 19 days into my cycle is 44ng/ml, this is high for post ovulation - could i be pregnant?


Blakey - March 3

I am not sure. I just finsihed An IVF cycle, and had my beta test this past monday 2/26 it was positive!
My progesterone level on the day of my beta was 29, (my nurse said that was good for they like to see it in the hight teens, or at 20) I went back 2 days later and it had risen to 37.2
I do go back on this coming Monday March 5, to ck. hormone levels again. again....Seems that the progesterone does continue to rise, but i heard that if it drops a bit that is okay too. Did you take a pregnancy test?? I would test!! Good luck!


Tracy88 - March 3

Do you know when you ovulated? That number is high for a natural ovulation cycle. Doctors want to see at least a 10 on unmedicated cycles and at least a 15 on medicated, you way surpassed that. You may very well be pregnant or could have had more than one follicle. The only thing I can think of is for you to wait it out and then test at 14dpo or when your period is due. Then if you are not PG, talk to your OB about your ovulation/progesterone pattern. I'll be curious to see if you are PG, so post and let us know!


kotkot005 - March 8

well, i can relate to this by assuring you that there is no relationship between a pregnancy and an elevated progestrone levels. many people ar getting pregnant with lower numbers while others with perfect numbers are not. the good thing for you is that your numbers are pretty super that if a pregnancy occured then your body will be able to support it perfectly. keep on the faith



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