PRESEED.. where can I buy it
3 Replies
K - June 5

Does anyone know where I can buy Preseed other than over the internet? Does Walmart or Target sell it, or something like it?
And has anyone had any luck with it and gotten pregnant quick? Thanks!!


hazel - June 5

I just ordered it online yesterday i heard that it is pretty good and that it works actually where do you live because on its original website it has a store locater


val - June 6

As far as I know, you can only purchase it off the internet. I don't believe it is available at Target or Walgreens, because I have looked. I ordered it once so far and I'm still not pregnant. It doesn't do anything as far as getting you pregnant quicker. All it is ,is just a sperm friendly lubricant since other lubrications can block and kill sperm.


Cutie - June 6

I ordered mine from I used it for 1 month...(just a little trick...since it is expensive, I use it before, during and after ovulation) I havent gotten pregnant yet, but lets HOPE that this MONTH I AM :) Good luck to you



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