Pregnancy Test Addict
35 Replies
j9653 - January 18

I am a test- a- holic to I test pregnancy and ovulation. I told myself not this time at the store and I couldnt hold back .had to get it for next week no self control LOL


d - January 18

Hi my name is d and l I am a peestick addict too... well at least thismonth i have been trying to control it. I haven't taken one in a few days. LOL. this is too good.


d - January 19

anyone else?


hopeful06 - January 27

I am a pregnacy test addict as well. Every time I crack the seal on a new test, I feel like I am opening the door to a new possibility.... Even though the disappointment of negative tests can get to you, I can totally appreciate the humor in bulk pregnancy test purchases and seeking out the dollar store deals!! I too am running out of room in my bathroom....

This post is great! Thanks for the laughs ladies.....


nicole henderson - January 31

you just have to be paicent. it will happen when it is time. i use to be like that but i realized that it will happen when it is time and just to let you know im not pregnant yet but i have not been trying. but it will happen when the time comes so just hang in there and it will happen



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